VODBServer Editor in XIDE

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VODBServer Editor in XIDE

Post by Neale »

Hello All
The VODBServer Editor in XIDE seems to create ASSIGN'S that need to be modified, and also when any changes are made in the editor a duplicate method is created in the .prg , GetFieldInfo<fieldname>() which in turn generates duplicate method errors (I have copied theCAVODED.tpl to the CONFIG folder under the PROJECTS folder as per help file instructions). I assume its WIP and I am not doing anything wrong ??
I have tried in an new aplication with same results.

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VODBServer Editor in XIDE

Post by FFF »

to modify the Assign syntax you have to edit CAVOFED.TPL, not CAVODED.TPL.
I have:
ASSIGN %hlname%(uValue AS %usualtype%) AS %usualtype% PASCAL CLASS %servername%
SELF:FieldPut(#%hlname%, uValue)
Re the duplicate method i never saw this, could you describe exactly, what you are doing to provoke this?
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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VODBServer Editor in XIDE

Post by Neale »

Thanks for the info will edit CAVOFED.TPL, re duplicate methods I just have to use the editor make a small change and another of the same name is generated.
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