warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061 XS7036

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warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061 XS7036

Post by lagraf »

Wenn ich eine meiner X# Apps mit ReportPro seit Installation der X# Compiler Version 2.10 compiliere, bekomme ich jede Menge Warnings XS1701, dass die Library Versionen zwischen meiner App ( und ReportPro ( nicht zusammenpassen, obwohl ich ReportPro 2.35 installiert habe, was für X# 2.10 passen sollte.

Lade ich mir die aktuelle Version von ReportPro 2.35 für X# 2.10 herunter und entpacke sie, erhalte ich viele Fehler XS7036, dass die Argumente bei SetPrinterByName, SetVariableValue, SQLFilterWhere, etc nicht passen.

Anscheinend gibt es da ältere und neuere ReportPro Versionen 2.35. Wie komme ich aber nun zu einer passenden, die ohne Fehler und Warnings meine App compiliert?
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warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061

Post by Chris »

Hi Franz,

The version numbers are probably a bit misleading, but we are currently at X# version (2.)110, while the RP2 version you are trying to use was designed to work with builds (2.)010 to (2.)050. For the later X# versions, you indeed need RP2 >= 2.36.

Can you please post a sample with the exact error messages you are getting and the code producing them? I'm sure it will be easy to adjust the code to remove those errors.

Chris Pyrgas

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warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061 XS7036

Post by lagraf »

Hi Chris,
since I upgraded xsc to I can't compile all my X# apps which contain RP2. I attach a small testapp "RPChris" you already should know. I use 2 different RP2 2.35 versions with different behaviour. References to RP2 point to C:RP235.

RP235old.zip brings warnings and crashes at start:

Code: Select all

warning XS1701: Assuming assembly reference 'XSharp.RT, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ed555a0467764586' used by 'ReportPro2.Runtime' matches identity 'XSharp.RT, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ed555a0467764586' of 'XSharp.RT', you may need to supply runtime policy
RP235new brings errors at all RP2 calls:

Code: Select all

error XS7036: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'cPort' of 'ReportPro2.PtrDevice.SetPrinterByName(string, string)'
What could be the problem? All my apps without RP2 compile well.
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warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061 XS7036

Post by Chris »

Hi Franz,

Sorry, I had to remove your attachments from your message, since you posted dlls of a 3rd party product (RP2) which is not free.

I did try your code though and did not get any errors. Can you please show the exact lines of code in which you are getting the error XS7036?

Edit: Ah, just noticed, you are still using RP2.35. As I mentioned in my previous message, please use RP version 2.36 or higher.

Chris Pyrgas

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warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061 XS7036

Post by lagraf »

My older RP2 2.35 version brings when compiling RP2Chris

Code: Select all

warning XS1701: Assuming assembly reference 'XSharp.RT, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ed555a0467764586' used by 'ReportPro2.Runtime' matches identity 'XSharp.RT, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ed555a0467764586' of 'XSharp.RT', you may need to supply runtime policy	24,3	Class rptSummen.prg	rptSummen:.ctor
When starting original big app it crashes with
Bild1.jpg (24.46 KiB) Viewed 1033 times
The actual version RP2 2.35 from xsharp.eu Downloads brings

Code: Select all

error XS7036: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'cPort' of 'ReportPro2.PtrDevice.SetPrinterByName(string, string)'	22,3	Class rptSummen.prg	rptSummen:.ctor
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warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061 XS7036

Post by Chris »

Hi Franz,

As I said, you must use RP 2.36 or higher, NOT 2.35.

Again you did not show the line of your code that produces the error. But I checked your code and I assume it's this one:


you can provide the 2nd parameter manually:


and this error will go away, but I'm sure you will have more issues later. So please use RP 2.36 or higher. Maybe it's because of language difference and it is not clear what I am saying, so Wolfgang can you please step in and explain to Franz in German, that he needs to use RP2 version 2.36 or higher? TIA!

Chris Pyrgas

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warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061 XS7036

Post by lagraf »

oh, sorry I skipped your remark concerning 2.36, I used 2.35 because on the download page its recommended for x# 2.10!
Bild1.jpg (8.73 KiB) Viewed 1033 times
I'll give 2.36 a try!

I gave you the full messages with line and pos, cause I thought that's better for you to see the statements in original source not in a screenshot.
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warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061 XS7036

Post by Chris »

Hi Franz,

Yeah, I also explained that about version numbers in my first reply :) https://www.xsharp.eu/forum/german/2991 ... 7036#22378

I think we will need to use more appropriate version numbers for the X# 3.0 series.

Chris Pyrgas

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warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061 XS7036

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Chris,
if I can suggest something: write minor version numbers with a leading 0:
and so forth, so they may even in alfabetical order.
If a sub-version is needed, you can always add a letter:
And for the 3rd party libraries I would recommend to put them in subfolders for every needed runtime, and change the name accordingly when a new version comes out:
ReportPro 2 for VO 2.8
ReportPro 2 for X# 2.06 to 2.11
ReportPro 2 for X# 3.00 to 3.12a
Hopefully that could help a bit.
Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
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warning XS1701 Fehler XS1061 XS7036

Post by Chris »

Hi Wolfgang,

Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking as well.
Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team
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