Top of window + header of bBrowser move out of sight

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Top of window + header of bBrowser move out of sight

Post by ic2 »

This is one of those weird things - with posting it here I hope it rings a bell for somebody.
I have a normal VO datawindow. On top there are some controls (SLE's, pusbuttons etc to search and save things), the rest is a bBrowser control. Within a remote desktop of one of our clients I saw that several actions, including pressing TAB until the bBrowser is selected has the effect that the top of the window including the header of the bBrowser move out of sight. But when I logon on the same server and start the same program, even when I open it selecting on of the users where it goes wrong (there are user settings which are then used) it works absolutely fine. Other thing I noticed is that the square on the scroll bar took about 3/4 of the scroll bar where on my login it -correctly- was a small square. Again: same program, same data, same program user settings.....

This part of the program has long been used without any issues. When issues were first mentioned I could reproduce one by making the window smaller. As it was a DataDialog (no idea why I did that originally), I changed it to a DataWindow and then it worked all the time for me. Including on my RD login to their program. I have no idea what could be different (or changed) for them on their server login  (I have seen it going wrong using TeamViewer) and/or how any Windows server setting could influence the visibility of contents in the window.

Any help is appreciated.

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Top of window + header of bBrowser move out of sight

Post by GlenT »

Hi Dick,

When I read this, my mind went to the resolution of the screen. Is there, by any chance, a difference between the resolution of the RD and the monitor? Hope you understand what I mean.


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Top of window + header of bBrowser move out of sight

Post by ic2 »

Hello Glen,

Indeed that was the problem! We had this in our list to check (after posting this) but they said that nothing was changed an they had no problems before for say 10 years. I work on a 4K screen so this cause made sense. When I let one of the users try some older versions and found out that the it still worked fine also with version where they first mentioned the problem they checked further.
Turned out that the user with the issue had his screen on 150%; back to 125% like the other user it worked. The other user was sure nothing was changed but given the cause, something must have changed (and back).

So thanks for your reply!

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Top of window + header of bBrowser move out of sight

Post by GlenT »


Glad you solved it


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