fixed XIDE plugin - or different behavior of .NET methods

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fixed XIDE plugin - or different behavior of .NET methods

Post by wriedmann »


I had to fix my XIDE plugin as in the last version the "Open BIN folder" don't worked anymore.

I had replaced:

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Project:BaseOutputFolder + Config:cSubFolder

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Path.Combine( Project:BaseOutputFolder, Config:cSubFolder )
and since cSubFolder had a leading "" the Path.Combine method returned the cSubFolder alone.

Therefore I added now the following static function

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static method CombinePath( cPath1 as string, cPath2 as string ) as string
local cReturn as string
if cPath2:Length > 0 .and. cPath2[0] == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
    cReturn := Path.Combine( cPath1, cPath2:Substring( 1 ) )
    cReturn := Path.Combine( cPath1, cPath2 )
return cReturn
The updated plugin with sources is here:


P.S. I had to write also my own SubStr() extension method because I would not check the length every time.

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static method SubStr( self cString as string, nStart as int, nLen as int ) as string
// 0-based!!!
local nStringLen as int
local cReturn as string
nStringLen := cString:Length	
if nStart < 0
  if ( nStart * -1 ) >= nStringLen
    nStart := 0
    nStart := nStringLen + nStart
if nLen >= ( nStart + nStringLen )
  cReturn := cString
  cReturn := cString:Substring( nStart, nLen )
return cReturn
Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy -
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fixed XIDE plugin - or different behavior of .NET methods

Post by Chris »

Hi Wolfgang,

Thanks you! Especially the command "Open BIN folder" I am using it many times every day! Also the "Administrator command prompt in BIN folder" is very handy at times and I am glad that you have done this in your plugin, so I did not have to research myself how to implement this in XIDE itself :-)

Chris Pyrgas

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fixed XIDE plugin - or different behavior of .NET methods

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Chris,

I'm happy if my plugin serves you well! So at least I can contribute a bit also.

Initially, I tried to use the pure .NET methods whenever possible because I was thinking they are perfect, but slowly I'm discovering that some of them don't work as I would expect. So I'm more and more replacing the string.Substring() method by my own string.Substr() method that is more robust - I don't like to check the string length every time I need to call string.SubString() and to risk an exception otherwise.

Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy -
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fixed XIDE plugin - or different behavior of .NET methods

Post by Chris »

Hi Wolfgang,

Absolutely agreed, the system string methods are designed for maximum performance and are less "forgiving" that the runtime functions of VO. So I also often use my own function wrappers, or call the already defined SubStr(), Left() etc runtime functions, which are also fast enough (the strongly typed versions).

Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team test
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