Some warnings and error

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Some warnings and error

Post by Horst »


error XS0118: 'byte *' is a element but is used like a VOSTRUCT/UNION
error XS0118: 'uint' is a type but is used like a VOSTRUCT/UNION
error XS0118: 'uint' is a type but is used like a VOSTRUCT/UNION

I have a error on this code (its a :
PROTECT DIM aBufList[MDPDF_MAXBUF] IS BYTE PTR // Buffer of pointers
PROTECT DIM aBufLen[MDPDF_MAXBUF] IS DWORD // Buffer of lengths
PROTECT DIM v_offsets[MDPDF_MAXOBJECT] IS DWORD //array of object offsets

what i have to change ?

And this warning is confusing me:
warning XS0060: Inconsistent accessibility: base class 'DBServer' is less accessible than class '_CryptServer'

And will this change when X# comes with own runtime?
warning MSB3270: Konflikt zwischen Prozessorarchitektur des Projekts "MSIL",
"VulcanVOWin32APILibrary", "x86". ecetera

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Some warnings and error

Post by Chris »

Hi Horst,

The error messages are due to the keyword "IS" used for types like DWORD, BYTE PTR etc. IS is supposed to be used only in conjunction with (VO)STRUCT types, not with "normal" types. VO does allow it also here (my guess is that this is just a glitch), but x# doesn't, you just need to change IS to AS here.

About the inconsistent accessibility warning, see this simplified code:


CLASS PublicClass
EXPORT oIntObj AS InternalClass

In this sample, the PublicClass (that can be used from code outside of the library where it is defined) has a field (EXPORT) of a type that is not visibly outside. So you cannot properly and fully use PublicClass from outside, even though that class itself is visible, hence the warning.


CLASS PublicClass
METHOD TestMethod(o AS InternalClass) AS VOID

Again, this is a class that can be used from outside, and TestMethod() is also a public method which is also supposed to be callable from other libraries. But in fact it cannot be really used like that, because it needs a param of type InternalClass, which is only visible inside the defining assembly.

In order to avoid such warnings, you need to make both classes either public or INTERNAL. Or in the sample with the METHOD, you can make the method INTERNAL, so you specify that it is to be used only from code inside the same library.

Regarding the MSIL/x86 warning, that's because the vulcan dlls are 32bit only, so you need to set your app as 32 bit, too. To do that, you need to go to the Project Properties, Build page and set the target to x86.

Regarding the x# runtime, we will try to make it all AnyCPU, so it can be used with either 32 or 64 bit apps, but I am not sure if it will be possible to do all of it like that, especially the VOGUI classes I am sure will give some trouble. But for the libraries that it will be possible to do it, we'll make them AnyCPU.

Chris Pyrgas

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Some warnings and error

Post by Horst »

Hi Chris

I am honest, i dont understand the part with the classes.
i have just this little bit code and a Method to recycling records, for later i wanna maybe making more changes on the DBServer. This class is in a DLL and all other app using that class.
What is the change a i have to do so it works like before ?

CLASS _CryptServer INHERIT DbServer
//CLASS _CryptServer INHERIT SEFastServer
// constructor inserted by xPorter, remove superfluous arguments

METHOD RecycleAppend (nDelOrder AS DWORD) as void
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Some warnings and error

Post by Chris »

Hi Horst,

That code that you posted should give no warnings at all, I think the compiler complained about something else. What line did the warning message report? Maybe you can zip the solution as a whole and send it to me to have a look?

Chris Pyrgas

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Some warnings and error

Post by Horst »

Hallo Chris

I zipped the Directory, hope its what you need.
(49.09 KiB) Downloaded 38 times
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Some warnings and error

Post by Chris »

Hi Horst,

Ah, I see what's happening, that's because you have 2 methods without an enclosing class:

METHOD WildSeek2( cToWildSeek, aCheckFields ) class DBServer
METHOD WildSeek( cToWildSeek ) class DBServer

the compiler tries to create a local class named "DBServer" for those methods (separate from the DBServer class of the VOSDK), but apparently this class by default is generated as internal, so you get the warning when you try to inherit from that class.

The real problem here, is that in .Net you cannot add like that methods to an already existing class (DBServer) that is defined in a different library (in the RDD classes). You need to use subclassing for that, so add a CLASS definition like the XPorter did, something like (also remove the CLASS clause from the methods):

METHOD WildSeek2( cToWildSeek, aCheckFields ) //class DBServer
METHOD WildSeek( cToWildSeek ) //class DBServer

and then change your other class definition to

CLASS _CryptServer INHERIT My_DbServer

and the warning will go away.

There's another option, to use an extension method instead, but this requires some more work, so better leave it for now, until your code compiles ok.

After doing that, number of errors will decrease, but there are some others now:

- Cannot convert type void* to string:
Simply change the code to:
cToWildSeek := Upper(cToWildSeek)

- The first argument to PCALL must be a typed function pointer
Change your 3 PCALLs to PCallNative<INT>. For example change

PCALL(spFree, @rPar)


PCALLNative<int>(spFree, @rPar)

(this is because from what I see, those IJL functions return an INT)

- Errors about Buffer() function:
That part of the code needs several changes, because strings cannot be used like that as 8bit buffers. Do you still need the MDPDF class in .Net?

Chris Pyrgas

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Some warnings and error

Post by Horst »

Hi Chris

Ohh yes i need this class for the momment because all my prints is made with this class. i generating PDF's for my prints. And its a lot of code with this class.

i was reading some part of this class and i think it was converted form C to VO , so maby i can rewrite my importend function's to 'normal' xBase code. My output is very simple, Text, Lines and Jpeg. I dont need all Function of this class.

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Some warnings and error

Post by Chris »

Hi Horst,

I had a closer look and from what I see, most of the code works with normal strings, so there shouldn't be problem with it. Only the jpeg/png related code uses binary data and needs adjustment. If you have trouble making it work in x#, please give me a (compileable) sample of using this class to create a report and I will have a look myself.

Chris Pyrgas

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Some warnings and error

Post by Horst »

Thanks for your help

I will try to write it with normal strings.

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Some warnings and error

Post by Chris »

To give you a little more help, main issue that the VO code uses this in a few places:

cBuffer := Buffer(bufSize)
FRead3(hFile, PTR(_CAST, cBuffer), bufSize)

this casts a string to a PSZ, which works in VO because strings are 8 bit, like PSZs. This will not work though in .Net which has unicode strings, but you can change it to:

FRead(hFile, REF cBuffer, bufSize)

and that should do the trick. From what I see, the code does not further manipulate those buffers as binary data, so possibly just the above change in a few places will be enough and no further changes will be needed.

Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team test
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