Why I like WPF, but not XAML or how to build a custom control in X#

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Why I like WPF, but not XAML or how to build a custom control in X#

Post by wriedmann »

With VO background and the willingness to subclass controls, WPF opens an entire new world of GUI creation.
There is no control that does what you like? Then create your own!

Please take this bitmap button with full databinding as sample (with XAML and DataTemplates it would also be possible, but not as clear as in pure code).

The data class:

Code: Select all

class ImageText
constructor( cKey as string, cImageName as string, cText as string )
  self:Key := cKey	
  self:ImageName := cImageName
  self:Text := cText
method ToString() as string
  return self:Text	
property ImageName as string auto
property Text as string auto
property Key as string auto

end class
and then the control itself:

Code: Select all

using System.Windows
using System.Windows.Controls   
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging
using System.Diagnostics

class ImageTextButton inherit Button
  protect _oImage as Image
  protect _oTextBlock as TextBlock 
  protect _oImageText as ImageText
  public static initonly ImageTextProperty as DependencyProperty

static constructor()
  ImageTextButton.ImageTextProperty := DependencyProperty.Register( "ImageText", ;
    TypeOf( ImageText ), TypeOf( ImageTextButton ), ;
    UIPropertyMetadata{ null, PropertyChangedCallback{ ImageTextPropertyChanged } } )
method InitializeComponent() as void
  local oGrid as Grid
  local oRowDefinition as RowDefinition

  oGrid	:= Grid{}
  oGrid:ColumnDefinitions:Add( ColumnDefinition{} )
  oGrid:RowDefinitions:Add( RowDefinition{} )	
  oRowDefinition := RowDefinition{}
  oRowDefinition:Height := GridLength.Auto
  oGrid:RowDefinitions:Add( oRowDefinition )	
  _oImage := Image{}
  Grid.SetRow( _oImage, 0 )
  Grid.SetColumn( _oImage, 0 )
  oGrid:Children:Add( _oImage )
  _oTextBlock := TextBlock{}  
  _oTextBlock:HorizontalAlignment := HorizontalAlignment.Center
  _oTextBlock:VerticalAlignment	:= VerticalAlignment.Stretch
  _oTextBlock:TextWrapping := TextWrapping.Wrap
  Grid.SetRow( _oTextBlock, 1 )
  Grid.SetColumn( _oTextBlock, 0 )
  oGrid:Children:Add( _oTextBlock )
  self:Content			:= oGrid

static method ImageTextPropertyChanged( d as DependencyObject, e as DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs ) as void
  local oImageTextButton as ImageTextButton
  local oImageText as ImageText
  oImageTextButton := ( ImageTextButton ) d
  oImageText := ( ImageText ) e:NewValue
  oImageTextButton:_ImageText := oImageText

property ImageText as ImageText
    self:SetValue( ImageTextButton.ImageTextProperty, value )
  end set
    return ( ImageText ) self:GetValue( ImageTextButton.ImageTextProperty )
  end get
end property

property _BitmapName as string
    local oBitmapImage as BitmapImage
    local cBitmapName as string

    cBitmapName := value		
    if System.IO.File.Exists( cBitmapName )
      oBitmapImage := BitmapImage{}
      oBitmapImage:UriSource := Uri{ cBitmapName } 
      _oImage:Source := oBitmapImage
  end set 
    return ""		// cannot retrieve name from image
  end get
end property

property _ImageText as ImageText
    _oImageText	:= value
    self:_BitmapName := _oImageText:ImageName
    self:_TextBlock := _oImageText:Text
    self:Name := _oImageText:Key
  end set
    return _oImageText
  end get
end property	

property _TextBlock as string
    _oTextBlock:Text := value
  end set
    return ( string ) _oTextBlock:Text
  end get
end property

end class
In my code, this control is only a part of a product selection, and I use this control in a WrapPanel for selection, in pure MVVM style.
doorconfigtest.png (28.33 KiB) Viewed 396 times
Of course, if someone is interested, I can supply also the code for the items control.

The use is very simple:

Code: Select all

oImageTexts := ObservableCollection<ImageText>{}
foreach oProduktConfig as ProduktConfig in oProduktConfigs
  cImageName := oProduktConfig:ProduktImage:ToLower()
  cImage := Path.Combine( cImagePath, cImageName + ".png" )
  if ! File.Exists( cImage )
    cImage := Path.Combine( cImagePath, cImageName + ".jpg" )
  oImageTexts:Add( ImageText{ oProduktConfig:Name, cImage, oProduktConfig:Description } )
self:ItemSource := oImageTexts
I hope this code gives you an idea how to implement own controls!
Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
https://www.riedmann.it - https://docs.xsharp.it
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Phil Hepburn
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Why I like WPF, but not XAML or how to build a custom control in X#

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Oh! - I see, yesterday's Windows have become tomorrows Doors !?

Nice one Wolfgang ;-0)

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Why I like WPF, but not XAML or how to build a custom control in X#

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Phil,

one of my largest customers builds windows (real ones, mostly in wood, but some also in PVC), and part of his business are also house entrance doors.
And for them I need to build a door configuration software. Fortunately I have selected X# and WPF based on the MVVM pattern to build this application.
WPF gives really a LOT of options for graphical interfaces - practically there seem to be very few limits for the imagination of the programmer.
And strange enough: it is hard to find informations how to work without XAML, but if you find them, WPF shows its real power, and code is much more understandable than XAML - it is enough to look at the InitilizeComponents() method of my control class.

Hopefully I can show you this application in Cologne (have yet to book, but I will come there of course).

Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
https://www.riedmann.it - https://docs.xsharp.it
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Phil Hepburn
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Why I like WPF, but not XAML or how to build a custom control in X#

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi Wolfgang,

An interesting project indeed.

Yes, I look forward to seeing it demoed at the conference.

Good Luck and fingers crossed for future developments on this app.

Best Regards,
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