News Group (Thunderbird) to Form sync ?

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Phil Hepburn
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News Group (Thunderbird) to Form sync ?

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi Robert,

I just there now posted in the NG area of X# within my Thunderbird app - but am not sure if the message will get back to you guys in the Forum. I did however see loads of newly visible post from others.

My question was about me asking you guys for help.

I wish to go over entirely to using X# and that means converting a number of my useful demo apps (from conferences in the past) to pure X#. How do I go about the conversion?

Also can I similarly convert a hybrid of VN and C#, as some Cologne demo apps had a thin DAL (data access layer) written in C#. Now I can do LINQ in X# I don't any longer need toe C# parts.

Also, has Fabrice made a C# to/from X# plugin for Reflector 9 or other ? If not, does he intend to do so ?

I had big steps forward today with preparing my laptop for Cologne - will report on this fun later ;-0)

Best regards,
Wales, UK.
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Phil Hepburn
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News Group (Thunderbird) to Form sync ?

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Okay then ;-0)

That's as good as it should be - found the XPorter file and in seconds have converted and run my first VN to X# app.

I did the WPF Data Validation demo app for last Cologne conference - it took no noticeable time, so fast I thought it had not worked.

Now I will plough on with others.

Still wish to know about Fabrice and a plug-in however.


Pictures of success ...........
Xporter_01.jpg (43.04 KiB) Viewed 618 times
Xporter_02.jpg (58.63 KiB) Viewed 618 times
Xporter_03.jpg (111.2 KiB) Viewed 618 times
Now to something a little more ambitious ;-0)
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Phil Hepburn
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News Group (Thunderbird) to Form sync ?

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Sorry Robert and all,

I got my nickers in a twist, and I found out that in fact I don't have an exported Vulcan app. which compiles and runs ;-0((

In fact after a few more attempts, over a few hours, I seem to be having trouble with the 'XPorter' tool, with Visual Studio solution and projects files - have tried both with 'XPorter', and a few times over.

My confusion was to do with my PC system, and too many versions of VS over the years, and which versions would work with both Vulcan and X#, etc., etc.... and a few more good excuses too ;-0)

So I am going back to 'basics' - in fact to the first Vulcan app I got to work that did anything worthwhile! My 'Examine Printers' tool.

I seem to get an exported file which looks good, and tries very hard to run in VS2015, but although it reports zero errors, warnings, and messages, it will not run. It does feel VERY close however.
Xporter_11.jpg (36.33 KiB) Viewed 618 times
Xporter_12.jpg (21.13 KiB) Viewed 618 times
I will place the files in a 'OneDrive' folder for you to have a look at Robert, if you would be so kind. The app is tiny, so don't worry on size issues ;-0)

I noticed that '#USING' is in the final file and not 'using'. Does that make a difference, or should it be changed anyhow even if it doesn't ? I tried 'using' but got the same no-running result.

Once we fix this app, I will gradually work chronologically through my samples. To see which fails, if any. I feel if we fix this then the others will be OK.

This one (application) is a WinForms app - AND - is actually quite useful - used it on-site in customers premises (many years ago) to find out about available printers and their setting. And for testing with different paper sizes, etc., etc..

Here is the link :-!AiCBl-gBWjY9gvtO9VngAR2f4M_GAQ

Good Luck,
Wales, UK.
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News Group (Thunderbird) to Form sync ?

Post by Chris »

Hi Phil,

I see in your screenshot from the Error List window that it says "0 of 1 errors". I think this means you have hidden the errors, clicking on that button should make them (it) visible again.

As for USING and #using, both are fine, you can use which one you prefer.

Chris Pyrgas

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News Group (Thunderbird) to Form sync ?

Post by robert »


Check your mail.

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Phil Hepburn
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News Group (Thunderbird) to Form sync ?

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi Robert,

I checked my mail and followed all your instructions exactly - they were very clear ;-0)

Consequently I now have a working X# app which although done in VS2015 (because of Vulcan restrictions) I can now run in the X# format in VS 2017 RC.

For guys reading this they need to know that this was the very first Vulcan app I made which did anything 'real' ;-0) Yes, it goes back a long way! WinForms and no WPF!

Here is an image of success :-
RvdH_Thanks_01.jpg (70.66 KiB) Viewed 618 times
and I will now place the solution folders in a suitable folder on 'OneDrive' so any interested guy can access it and check out their printers. Try this and report back please +/- ?!AiCBl-gBWjY9gvwdG-Y8ytkf-f-LVg

Must shoot, to see the Rugby,
>>> Many thanks to Robert <<<
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