Beta 10 and Vs 2017 - great !!

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Phil Hepburn
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Beta 10 and Vs 2017 - great !!

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi again Nick (and all),

Yes, in image '_02'line 21 replaces your server name string - I discovered some months ago that 'localhost' will work on most SQL Server platforms - full and express from Microsoft. I tend to use this now for sample solutions that I place on 'OneDrive' for sharing and distribution - AND - it makes moving stuff over to laptops for conference sessions a doddle.
NFdevShare15_02.jpg (73.15 KiB) Viewed 398 times
So now (see other attachments), the Person and City data appears right away (a few lines/records) and any that I enter stays in the DB between application launch events, it persists.
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That's the good news, the bad news is that I can't really understand most of your code as yet ;-0(( I feel like a complete novice! The generic stuff seems a bit to me like the code equivalent of over normalising data - too much of it and all 'apparent meaning' seems to get lost!

Oh! and please remember that this is still your full C# applet, I have not as yet translated it into X# syntax, but I will, as a start to learning more on the generics side of things.

At least with a working X# sample we X# guys can all have a starting point for going further. So your legacy Nick, will linger on for a good few years yet ;-0)

Hope this interests a few.

Wales, UK.
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Phil Hepburn
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Beta 10 and Vs 2017 - great !!

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Hi again Nick, the Team (and all),

Using this full project of yours Nick (all in C#) I will give the VS integration in 2017 and X# a good test with my 'VS Enterprise' platform, today and over the next couple of days.

To help out I will record any problems and issues as I go along, then feed them back to Robert and Fabrice.

Its a better test that my previous one as it will be done from scratch (the beginning) under the new integration, so I can see how the SE pane functions as well as the two editors - text and XAML.

A question before I start - see the collapsed SE pane content below :-
NFdevShare15_11.jpg (40.76 KiB) Viewed 398 times
Are all of these 7 projects made from Templates in C# of type 'class library' ?

Wales, UK.
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Beta 10 and Vs 2017 - great !!

Post by NickFriend »

Hi Phil,

DS2015Start will be a WPF Application (generates app.xaml and adds the WPF assemblies basically), the rest are plain class libraries. So for the View library you'll need to add the WPF assemblies manually for your user controls - apart from that you shouldn't need references to WPF anywhere else.

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Phil Hepburn
Posts: 743
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:16 pm

Beta 10 and Vs 2017 - great !!

Post by Phil Hepburn »

Thanks Nick,

Had got all the other six projects right and with correct and suitable References to assemblies - quite an interesting exercise to do them all at one time - before any added code.

And 'NuGet' in the X# integration seems to work fine.

In removing and adding the 'Start' project I found an issue for Fabrice. Now managed to re-add the DS2015Start project.

Here is what I now have :-
NFdevShare15_21.jpg (56.28 KiB) Viewed 398 times
Oh! and the app now compiles and runs - does not do a lot however ;-0)
NFdevShare15_22.jpg (76.12 KiB) Viewed 398 times
Regards to all,
Wales, UK.
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