GA 1.0.1: Compilation and Intellisense

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GA 1.0.1: Compilation and Intellisense

Post by George »

Hi DevTeam,

I was delighted to see the GA release of XSharp.
Congratulations to you all.

In the first 1 hour playing with the GA 1.0.1, I noticed 2 issues.
Perhaps I am missing something, but I would like to share my experience with you:

1. Trying to compile a Vulcan 4 project, I saw (as expected) some warnings and some errors.
But, as you can see in the attached PNGs, the Error list appears empty.
Both warnings and errors have to be inspected in the Output window.

2. The IntelliSense, works only inside a Class but not for an instantiated object.
For example:
GLOBAL oCommon AS MyCommonClass
In the Start():
oCommon := MyCommonClass{}
typing oCommon and semicolon nothing happens.

Also, no formatting nor settings found for IntelliSense in the Tools/Options/XSharp of VS2017.

Error list window.PNG
Error list window.PNG (6.83 KiB) Viewed 581 times
Output window.PNG
Output window.PNG (70.26 KiB) Viewed 581 times
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GA 1.0.1: Compilation and Intellisense

Post by George »

To be more clear about the IntelliSense issue, this happens when the Class MyCommonClass contained into a referenced assembly (DLL).
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GA 1.0.1: Compilation and Intellisense

Post by Chris »

Thanks George!

The image is not clear, but I think the combobox selection in the top left of the Errors window is set to Current Project, maybe this is the problem? Try changing it to "Entire Solutin" and rebuild, do the errors show now? Also about the error messages themselves, is there any of them that you would not expect it to be an error?

Regarding intellisense, yes, not everything is supported yet, it is work under continuous progress. Member completion on globals is not supported yet, should be added soon though. Can you please check if it works ok with your projects when you use a similar LOCAL instead?

Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team
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GA 1.0.1: Compilation and Intellisense

Post by George »

Hi Chris,

>The image is not clear, but I think the combobox selection in the top left of the Errors window is set to Current Project, maybe this is the problem? Try changing it to "Entire Solutin" and rebuild, do the errors show now?

Changing to "Entire Solution" and rebuild, nothing change.
The Error list window remains empty and reports Errors: 0, Warnings: 0
Please see the attached images.
I re-sent the images in lower resolution.

>Also about the error messages themselves, is there any of them that you would not expect it to be an error?

No. The reported errors are always correct and I like very much the warnings reporting the obsolete Properties/Methods etc.

>Can you please check if it works ok with your projects when you use a similar LOCAL instead?

If the object reference is LOCAL, yes: the IntelliSense works after, at least, one compilation.

But, I noticed the absence of warning when I forgot the:
LOCAL oCommon := MyCommonClass{} AS MyCommonClass
just before the Method's RETURN (or any other place inside the Method).
Error list.PNG
Error list.PNG (10.99 KiB) Viewed 581 times
Output.PNG (84.27 KiB) Viewed 581 times
Output.PNG (84.27 KiB) Viewed 581 times
Error list.PNG
Error list.PNG (10.99 KiB) Viewed 581 times
The same exactly happens with the statement:
VAR oCommon := MyCommonClass{}

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GA 1.0.1: Compilation and Intellisense

Post by Chris »

Hi George,

Hmm, that's strange. Just to make sure if there's a general issue or only with this particular project, can you please create a new small project, add some code that should trigger a warning an error and build, do the message appear now in the Errors window?

Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team
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GA 1.0.1: Compilation and Intellisense

Post by George »


I converted another Vulcan project to X# and the Error list window shows the errors exactly.
Then, I re-open the previous one and this one also works now.
Probably, it needs to be saved after changing the 'Current Project' to 'Entire Solution'

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GA 1.0.1: Compilation and Intellisense

Post by Chris »

Hi George,

OK, great to hear! Maybe it was the closing/reopening that did the trick. Anyway, if you see this happening again, please let us know.

Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team
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