Hi Chris, WolfgangChris wrote:Hi Karl-Heinz,
The issues that you were seeing were because you used the X# runtime as references in your test app, but also used vulcan's VulcanWinAPI dll, which has references to the vulcan runtime dlls. So for now, until we release the X# SDK dlls that you can use with the X# runtime, if you need to use any vulcan SDK dll, please also use the vulcan rutnime dlls as well. That should take care of the error messages.
finally i got it running with XSharp.core and xsharp.vo. It works when i import the "missing" funcs manually.
_DLL FUNC GetProcAddress(hModule AS PTR, lpProcName AS PSZ) AS PTR PASCAL:KERNEL32.GetProcAddress
_DLL FUNC GetModuleHandle(lpModuleName AS PSZ) AS PTR PASCAL:KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA
My next idea is to get rid of the VulcanVOWin32APILibrary, which is only required to import the VOStruct _winOSVERSIONINFOEX. But i think it´s better to discuss this in a new thread like "XSharp and using Structures", or are there any docs/samples to study how to do something like:
ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(ver);
GetVersionEx(ref ver);
in x# ?