more frequent releases in this development stage

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more frequent releases in this development stage

Post by wriedmann »


in this development stage, until the runtime leaves the beta stage, I would like more frequent releases of new beta versions.
With 2.0.6, I have tried the first time to compile my own framework with the X# runtime libraries, and have encountered some issues. Until they are solved, at least partially, I cannot continue in the migration process. And I'm pretty sury that other issues will show up. A more frequent release process would help both us, the users, and you, the development team, to reach the end of the beta status faster.
I agree that releasing a new version costs time, but I think it is worth it.
Wolfgang Riedmann
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more frequent releases in this development stage

Post by Chris »

Hi Wolfgang,

Making full releases very often I am afraid will be counter productive, it is a lot of overhead creating new installers, testing them etc etc. But we could release quick fixes instead, zipfiles with updates to the runtime or whatever else is needed.

Also, as you know, we very often send fixes directly to people, when they need an urgent fix etc. I have already fixed some of the issues you reported, would you like me to send you an update for the runtime dlls? Or would you like to report a few more issues first? It is easy for us to send such small updates either way.

Chris Pyrgas

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more frequent releases in this development stage

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Chris,

there is no need for full installers. A set of refresh zip files every two weeks would be enough.

The important thing is IMHO that we (users) can continue testing our code without changing our code for temporary fixes, and without having to wait 4 weeks or more, to be blocked with the next set of errors.

Later, when the runtime is completed and working on all tested code, the release cycles may be longer - a stable development environment can have releases every 6 months or more, but in this beta stage we need refreshes more often.


P.S. I would like an installer option to not put the runtime into the GAC
Wolfgang Riedmann
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more frequent releases in this development stage

Post by FFF »

"refresh" sounds like a good idea,
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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more frequent releases in this development stage

Post by robert »

Karl, Wolfgang,

We'll see what we can do.
Zips with refreshed runtime DLLs is certainly an option. Refreshes for the compiler or VS integration will most likely be more complicated, but who knows....

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more frequent releases in this development stage

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Robert,

I don't think a referesh should be needed for the VS integration - and it is difficult to install.

Replacing the runtime or the compiler DLLs should be easy for everyone of us.
And I'm sure it will help to speed up the development because issues show up earlier - of course only if people is willing to invest time into this.
But for me the move to X# is a top priority.

Wolfgang Riedmann
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more frequent releases in this development stage

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Nightly (unstable) builds
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more frequent releases in this development stage

Post by robert »


You're right. Theo, the son of Fabrice, a bachelor in Computer Science, has prepared something for us to help setup a build server. Maybe it is time I roll that out in our Azure cloud.
Will talk with Fabrice and will let you (and the others) know more.

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more frequent releases in this development stage

Post by wriedmann »


Chris has sent me a new version of the runtime, and with this one and a few corrections my base framework library (55 prg files, about 1 MB of handwritten sourcecode, partially more than 20 years old) compiles without errors.

This is really a very good sign for VO compatibility!

Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy -
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