Sorry about that, the original problem was fixed indeed, but apparently there is some different similar variation that still causes the compiler to crash. Can you please post a complete example? What is the oBorders var declared as?
Thanks, but unfortunately I cannot reproduce the error, I ported this code and it seems to be working fine in X#. Are you sure you are using the latest build? Any chance you could zip and send me the X# project? Maybe there's something else getting in the way... It's also a possibility that the compiler has a glitch with the CLR2 dll also.
I have from XIDE build 1.14 of July 2018
And Xporter version
This came with the XSharp Bandol Beta 5 (Public) . After that I entered the fox-program. Because it seemed to me that the last public version was the same as the fox-version I haven't updated.
In the attachment you will find the X# Code. But in this code I have manually deleted the Item text.
Thanks! Unfortunately I still could not reproduce the problem after changing the code to use "Item", not even after I used the CLR 2 version of the interop dll. Maybe it was something else that caused the problem that I cannot think about right now. Anyway, if this error ever happens again please let us know and we will further investigate.
Hi, please just set the "Allow unsafe code" project option to True, and the problem should go away. This one is a known problem, should be fixed in one of the next releases.