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Post by Karl-Heinz »

wriedmann wrote:Hi Karl-Heinz,
if you agree, I will test this on my tablet where no Vulcan is installed, and publish that with screenshots in the wiki.
Hi Wolfgang

yes, please give it a try.


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Post by BiggyRat »

XIDE Wolfgang :)
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Post by Karl-Heinz »

lumberjack wrote:Hi Karl-Heinz,
What Jeff did not mention, which version of X# is he using? I believe that also makes a difference since the community is still sitting on Bandol 8, while FOX is on Bandol 9 which includes the RT, VO assemblies etc...
Hi Johan,

i do not reference the x# runtime and the x# VO dlls. It´s all about the VN dlls. I anybody wants to run the mdi app with the X# Dlls the references are:


and in the Start


instead of



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Post by BiggyRat »

Hi Karl-Heinz, yes, I am attempting to use XIDE

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Post by BiggyRat »

Hi Karl-Heinz, I'm using the latest available PUBLIC download of X# and XIDE Version 1.16
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Post by wriedmann »

Hi Jeff,
if you have a few hours of time, I will prepare something for you, maybe with explanations why,
I remember how confused and disoriented I was when I made my first steps.
Maybe you could read this here:
https://docs.xsharp.it/doku.php?id=name ... _reference
It should explain the dependencies issue a bit.
Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
https://www.riedmann.it - https://docs.xsharp.it

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Post by BiggyRat »

That would be BRILLIANT Wolfgang, thank you so much. To learn, I'll MAKE time. Much appreciated.
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Post by wriedmann »

Hi Jeff,
there is soo much to learn in the .NET world, but I can promise you that after that you will have a lot of fun programming.
It is like climbing a mountain: it costs effort to go up, but when you are on the top, it gives a lot of satisfaction!

In .NET there are so many things that are much, much easier than in VO, but sometimes they are much harder or nearly impossible. And X# is a fantastic language!

Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
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Post by Karl-Heinz »

BiggyRat wrote:That would be BRILLIANT Wolfgang, thank you so much. To learn, I'll MAKE time. Much appreciated.
Hi Jeff,

and in the meantime you might try my tutorial above ;-)

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Post by Chris »

Hi, you are right about being confused/frustrated, just to explain a few things though:

- For quite some time, for VO-compatible programs (including the standard Mdi samples), your only choice was to use the vulcan runtime dlls with X#. This has changed now, since we have almost finished the X# runtime. But its "almost" finished, we cannot get rid of the vulcan runtime completely yet, that will happen in a few weeks, and then we will be done with it for good.

- In XIDE, when you create a new app, you have various options, standard .Net winforms app, app using the vulcan runtime, x# runtime etc. In the New App dialog, you will also find two entries for "Standard VO MDI. Unfortunately it is not very clear, but if you select both with the mouse, you will see that one of them uses the vulcan runtime, while the other uses the X# runtime. Pick the one with the X# runtime (the second to last in the screen).

This app should be able to compile and run with the very first go once you created it. You can also create as many windows, dbservers etc as you want, by using fromt the meny Tools|VOWindow Editor etc. Just first copy the cavowed.inf, cavowed.tpl, CAVOFED.TPL and CAVODED.TPL files from your VO bin directory to XIDEConfig

- About the DBServer, indeed it still does not support import/export, that's because the CDXdriver is not ready yet for the X# runtime. I could be using the vulcan runtime, but I really did not want to include a hard reference to the vulcan runtime in XIDE. Next X# build will have support for DBFCDX, so XIDE will include support for import/export as well.

- About the message "can't mix X# and VO", this is shown when you try to put both a .Net style and VO style designer in the same .prg, like a VO-Menu and a .Net Menu, this cannot work for technical reasons. Just create a new file (Project -> Create New -> New File) and create the new DBServer there.

- Where did you see a reference to VIDE? XIDE is practically the same as VIDE indeed, but all references to "V" should had been removed. Please tell me where you saw this, so I can fix it.

- Finally, I am very sorry that XIDE does not have a proper help file, I agree this is a very important omission. But on the other hand, this is a completely free tool that I wrote in my free time, so any time spent on writing the help file, would be time removed from actually developing it. :) And I am very bad with writing formal docs unfortunately, it takes me ages to do that..

I hope the above and the advice you got from the guys will help you move forward. For whatever other or further troubles you're facing, please do not hesitate to ask!

Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team
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