Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

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Re: Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Robert,
thank you very much!
XIDE seems to not have the option "Prefix classes with Default Namespace" or it is called differently.
My Startup class is called

Code: Select all

class XStartupCode

static method Start as void
end class
The executable is "DictEdit.exe", and therefore I would assume the fully specified entry point class name is
But the compiler says

Code: Select all

error XS1555: Could not find 'DictEdit.Exe.StartupCode' specified for Start function
But if I remove all namespace indications from the commandline letting

Code: Select all

the compiler says

Code: Select all

error XS1558: 'XStartupCode' does not have a suitable static 'Start' function	6,1	Start.prg	XStartupCode:XStartupCode
Wolfgang Riedmann
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Re: Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

Post by robert »

The executable is "DictEdit.exe", and therefore I would assume the fully specified entry point class name is
That is an incorrect assumption. The only namespace that is derived from the assembly name is the namespace from the Functions class.
Your own classes are in a namespace that you define in code with a begin namespace ... end namespace pair:

Code: Select all

begin namespace DictEdit
class XStartupCode
end class
end namespace
Without this the classes are in the global namespace (which actually means 'no namespace').

If you do not specify your own namespace, then you can use the compiler option that I mentioned.
However, you are right: XIDE does not have that option.
You have to add the compiler option /ns:MyNameSpace to the additional switches textbox, to achieve this.

Btw. for a future version of X# we are planning to add the Filescoped Namespace Declaration to the language (C# 12 has that too)
That would change the code above to

Code: Select all

namespace DictEdit
class XStartupCode
end class
All classes in the file following the namespace declaration would be placed in the namespace. So you do not need a begin namespace .. end namespace pair.

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Re: Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Robert,
I think I have found the solution:
There is no need to specify the namespace, when the entry point class is indicated without one:

Code: Select all

The last problem is that the Start function has to be defined as follows:

Code: Select all

static method Start( Args as string[] ) as void
I will try to document that somewhere in my wiki, otherwise the messages may go lost over time.
Thank you very much for all your help!
Wolfgang Riedmann
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Re: Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

Post by Chris »


Sorry for not responding earlier, finally here we have rain and the temp dropped, so I could sleep a bit more today :)

In XIDE, the option in the app properties named "Global Namespace" maps directly to the /ns compiler option, so no need to specify it directly in the extra options. There's no extra "Prefix classes with global namespace" option, if you enter something in the Global Namespace option, then it is always passed to the compiler.

Wolfgang, no, it's not necessary to have this particular definition for Start for it to work. A simple


works as well.

I suspect it didn't work for you earlier, because of the default namespace confusion. If it still doesn't work, can you please post the .xiaef to have a look?
Chris Pyrgas

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Re: Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Chris,
I have added that special class and entry point only to be able to track missing references.
The added startup class is as follows:

Code: Select all

class XStartupCode

static method Start( Args as string[] ) as void
	local oSB as System.Text.StringBuilder



	catch oEx as Exception

	oSB := System.Text.StringBuilder{}
	Output( oSB, "An unhandled exception has occurred" )
	Output( oSB, "===================================" )
	do while oEx != null
		Output( oSB, "Exception: " + oEx:Message )
		Output( oSB, "Callstack:")
		Output( oSB, oEx:StackTrace )
		Output( oSB, "" )
		oEx := oEx:InnerException
	Output( oSB, "===================================" )
	Output( oSB, "Press return to close the application" )
	System.IO.File.AppendAllText( System.IO.Path.Combine( AppDomain.CurrentDomain:BaseDirectory, "ApplicationError.log" ), oSB:ToString() )

	end try


static method Output( oSB as System.Text.StringBuilder, cText as string ) as void

	oSB:AppendLine( cText )
	Console.WriteLine( cText )


static method Wait() as void



[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError := true)];
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)];
static extern method AllocConsole() as logic

[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet := CharSet.Ansi)];
static method MessageBox(hwnd as IntPtr, lpText as string, lpCaption as string, uType as dword) as int pascal

end class
If the transporter or even better the compiler can do that alone, it would be even better.
Wolfgang Riedmann
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Re: Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

Post by Chris »

Hi Wolfgang,

OK, I understand, I just pointed out that you do not need to use this special definition for it to work. Also this is supported as an app entry method:

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CLASS XStartupCode
Chris Pyrgas

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Re: Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Chris,
unfortunately the parameters were needed to make it work with the -main compiler option.
Wolfgang Riedmann
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Re: Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

Post by Chris »

Hi Wolfgang,

They don't, I have it working here without the parameters. Can you please post the .xiaef that gives you the error? Maybe I'm not doing something else that you have in your app.
Chris Pyrgas

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Re: Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Chris,
sorry, it took me a while to understand why your code works and why mine does not worked.
If you have an application in Core dialect, it works without parameters. But if your application is in VO dialect, it requires the parameters.
Please look at this sample (migrated VO console application):
(2.24 KiB) Downloaded 42 times
whereas this sample works without parameters (Windows Forms application):
(2.64 KiB) Downloaded 37 times
The purpose of this construct is to display errors when a runtime DLL is missing.

Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
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Re: Possibly error message when starting program with missing included DLL

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Robert,
I have copied your message about the namespace to my wiki together with the source reference:
https://docs.xsharp.it/doku.php?id=name ... plications
If you think there should be added something please let me know.
Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
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