SetErrorLog Function | |
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether error information is written to the error log file by the default runtime error handler.
XSharp.Core (in XSharp.Core.dll) Version: 2.22 GA
Syntax FUNCTION SetErrorLog() AS LOGIC
public static bool SetErrorLog()
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lNewSetting is not specified, SetErrorLog() returns the current setting.
lNewSetting is specified, the previous setting is returned.
SetErrorLog() gives you a way to keep track of errors that occur in an application at runtime.
If it is set to TRUE and your application generates one or more errors when executed, the default error handler writes error information to an error log file named VOERROR.LOG.
If the ErrorLogAppend entry in the X# section of WIN.INI is not present, an entry of ErrorLogAppend=0 will be written, causing the error log file to be created anew for each application run.
If this entry is set to 1, the error information is appended to the existing error log file.
This feature is useful if there are multiple applications running simultaneously on the same computer. In either case, the error log file is created if it does not exist.
The location of the error log file is controlled by SetDefaultDir(), which you can refer to for more information.
Although writing error information to a file is normally useful, in some situations (such as when you are limited by network create rights, the maximum number of open files, shortage of disk space, or insufficient directory entries) you must use SetErrorLog() to prevent the system from writing to an error file.
This example sets SetErrorLog() to FALSE and saves the previous setting:
1lSaveErrorLog := SetErrorLog(FALSE)
See Also