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Functions, Globals and Defines

This compiler generated class contains all the functions, globals and defines that are defined in the XSharp.Core.dll assembly.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  XSharp.Core
Assembly:  XSharp.Core (in XSharp.Core.dll) Version: 2.22 GA
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The Functions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCode example_C2Hex
Convert a string value to a hexadecimal string.
Public methodStatic memberCode example_DebOut32
Write information to the Debug Terminal Program
Public methodStatic memberCode example_GetCmdLine
Return a pointer to the command line used to invoke the application.
Public methodStatic memberCode example_GetCmdShow Obsolete.
Return a constant specifying how the application window is shown.
Public methodStatic memberCode example_GetInst
Return the instance handle of an application or DLL.
Public methodStatic memberCode example_GetPrevInst Obsolete.
NOTE: This is not supported in 32 bit applications. The function is kept for backward compatibility, but always returns a NULL_PTR.
Return the previous instance handle of an application or DLL.
Public methodStatic member_Like
Determine if a string matches a wildcard pattern (like the wildcard pattern for the DIR command in the OS).
Public methodStatic member_Quit
Terminate application processing, close all open files, and return control to the operating system.
Public methodStatic member_SplitPath
Break a path name into its components.
Public methodStatic memberCode example_Val
Convert a string containing a numeric value to a numeric data type.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAbsInt
Return the absolute value of a strongly typed numeric expression, regardless of its sign.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAbsLong
Return the absolute value of a strongly typed numeric expression, regardless of its sign.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAbsReal4
Return the absolute value of a strongly typed numeric expression, regardless of its sign.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAbsReal8
Return the absolute value of a strongly typed numeric expression, regardless of its sign.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAbsShort
Return the absolute value of a strongly typed numeric expression, regardless of its sign.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAdjustFName
Remove spaces from a file name specified as a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAdjustFNameA
Remove spaces from a file name specified as a string, changing the contents of the original file name as well as the returned file name.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAllTrim
Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAltD
Programmatically define a breakpoint in an application.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAltD(Long)
Programmatically define a breakpoint in an application.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAmPm
Convert a 24-hour military time to a 12-hour clock time.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAnsi2Oem(Byte)
Convert an array of bytes from ANSI to OEM.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAnsi2Oem(String)
Convert a string of ANSI characters to OEM characters.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAnsi2Oem(Byte, Long)
Convert an array of bytes from ANSI to OEM.
Public methodStatic memberAnsi2OemA(Byte)
Convert an array of ANSI characters to OEM characters, changing the contents of the argument as well as the return value.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAnsi2OemA(String)
Convert a string of ANSI characters to OEM characters, changing the contents of the original string as well as the returned string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAnsi2OemBuff
Convert a specified number of ANSI characters in a source buffer to a buffer of corresponding OEM characters.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAsc
Convert a character to its ASCII value.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAscA
Convert a character to its ASCII value.
Public methodStatic memberAscW
Convert a character to its Unicode ASCII value.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAt
Return the position of the first occurrence of a substring within a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAt2
Return the position of the first occurrence of a substring within a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAt3
Return the position of the first occurrence of a substring within a string, starting at a specified position.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAtC
Return the position of the first occurrence of a substring within a string, without regard for case.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleAtC2
Return the position of the first occurrence of a substring within a string, without regard for case.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleATCLine
Return the line number of the first occurrence of a substring within a multiple line string, without regard for case.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleATCLine2
Return the line number of the first occurrence of a substring within a multiple line string, without regard for case.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleATLine
Return the line number of the first occurrence of a substring within a multiple line string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleATLine2
Return the line number of the first occurrence of a substring within a multiple line string.
Public methodStatic memberB64EncFile
This function is not implemented yet
Public methodStatic memberB64EncString
This function is not implemented yet
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBin2DW
Convert a string containing a 32-bit unsigned integer to a double word.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBin2I
Convert a string containing a 16-bit signed integer to a short integer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBin2Int64
Convert a string containing a 32-bit signed integer to a long integer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBin2L
Convert a string containing a 32-bit signed integer to a long integer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBin2Logic
Convert a string containing an 8-bit logical into a logical value.
Public methodStatic memberBin2Ptr
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBin2Real4
Convert a string containing a 32-bit floating point number to a Real4 value.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBin2Real8
Convert a string containing a 32-bit floating point number to a Real8 value.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBin2W
Convert a string containing a 16-bit unsigned integer to a word.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleBuffer
Return an uninitialized string of a specified size.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleC2Hex
Convert a string value to a hexadecimal string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCharEven
Return the even-numbered characters in a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCharMix
Return a string whose odd-numbered characters and even-numbered characters are from 2 different strings.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCharOdd
Return the odd-numbered characters in a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCharPos
Return a character based on its position in a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleChr
Convert an ASCII code to a character value.
Public methodStatic memberChrA
Convert an ASCII code to a character value, always using the Ansi codepage, ignoring the SetAnsi() setting.
Public methodStatic memberChrW
Convert an ASCII code to a character value.
Public methodStatic memberConDateTime
Format a set of numbers representing a year, month, and day as a Date.
Public methodStatic memberConTime(DateTime)
Return the timestring from a DateTime structure
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleConTime(DWord, DWord, DWord)
Format a set of numbers representing an hour, minute, and second as a time string.
Public methodStatic memberCToDt
Convert a Date string to DateTime.
Public methodStatic memberCToDtAnsi
Convert an ANSI date string to DateTime
Public methodStatic memberCTOL
Convert a string value to a logic.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCurDir
Return the current Windows directory.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCurDir(String)
Return the current Windows directory.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCurDrive
Return the current Windows drive.
Public methodStatic memberDateTime
Returns the current date and time as a DateTime value, or creates a year 2000-compliant DateTime value.
Public methodStatic memberDateTime(Long, Long, Long)
Returns the current date and time as a DateTime value, or creates a year 2000-compliant DateTime value.
Public methodStatic memberDateTime(Long, Long, Long, Long)
Returns the current date and time as a DateTime value, or creates a year 2000-compliant DateTime value.
Public methodStatic memberDateTime(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long)
Returns the current date and time as a DateTime value, or creates a year 2000-compliant DateTime value.
Public methodStatic memberDateTime(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long)
Returns the current date and time as a DateTime value, or creates a year 2000-compliant DateTime value.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDays
Convert a specified number of seconds to days.
Public methodStatic memberDbRegisterClient
Register an object that will receive notification messages for Workarea events.
Public methodStatic memberDbUnRegisterClient
Unregister an object that receives notification messages for Workarea events.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDebOut32
Write information to the Debug Terminal Program
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDecodeBase64
Decode a file from an e-mail transfer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDirChange
Change the current Windows directory.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDirMake
Create a directory.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDirRemove
Remove a directory.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDiskChange
Change the current disk drive.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDiskFree
Return the space available on a specified disk.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDiskFree(Long)
Return the space available on a specified disk.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDiskFree(String)
Return the space available on a specified disk.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDiskName
Return the current Windows drive.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDiskSpace
Return the capacity of the specified disk.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDiskSpace(Long)
Return the capacity of the specified disk.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDiskSpace(String)
Return the capacity of the specified disk.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDosError
Return the last DOS error code associated with an activation of the runtime error block.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDosError(DWord)
Return the last DOS error code associated with an activation of the runtime error block.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDosErrString
Return a description string for a DOS error number.
Public methodStatic memberDtToC
Convert a DateTime to a string.
Public methodStatic memberDtToS
Convert a DateTime value to a string formatted as string in ANSI format
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDW2Bin
Convert a double word to a string containing a 32-bit unsigned integer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleElapTime
Return the difference between two time strings.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleEncodeBase64
Encode a file for e-mail transfer.
Public methodStatic memberErrorBuild
Create an error object from an exception.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleErrorLevel
Retrieve and optionally set the X# return code.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleErrorLevel(DWord)
Retrieve and optionally set the X# return code.
Public methodStatic memberErrorStack(DWord)
Return the error stack as a string.
Public methodStatic memberErrorStack(StackTrace, DWord)
Return the error stack as a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleErrString
Return an error message associated with a system-generated error code.
Public methodStatic memberExecName
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFAttr2String
Display file attributes as a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFAttrib
Determine the attributes of the file found after FFCount(), FFirst(), or FNext().
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFChSize
Change the size of a file opened with a low-level file function.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFClose
Close an open file and write the buffers to disk.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFCommit
Flush file buffers.
Public methodStatic memberFConvertToFileStream
Public methodStatic memberFConvertToMemoryStream
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFCopy(String, String)
Copy a file to a new file or to a device.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFCopy(String, String, Logic)
Copy a file to a new file or to a device.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFCreate(String)
Create a file or open and truncate an existing file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFCreate(String, DWord)
Create a file or open and truncate an existing file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFCreate2
Create a file or open and truncate an existing file, specifying two strongly typed arguments.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFDate
Return the date stamp of the file found by FFCount(), FFirst(), or FNext().
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFEof
Determine if the file pointer is positioned at the end-of-file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFErase
Delete a file from disk.
Public methodStatic memberFError
Get the error code for a file operation.
Public methodStatic memberFError(DWord)
Set the error code for a file operation.
Public methodStatic memberFException
Get the last exception for a file operation.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFFCount
Return the number of files that match a given file specification and attribute.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFFirst
Find the first file that matches a given file specification or attribute.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFFLock
Lock a portion of an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFFLock64
Lock a portion of an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFFlush(IntPtr)
Flush to disk a file opened with a low-level file function.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFFlush(IntPtr, Logic)
Flush to disk a file opened with a low-level file function.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFFUnLock
UnLock a portion of an opened file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFFUnLock64
UnLock a portion of an opened file.
Public methodStatic memberFGetBuffer
Access or allocate the File I/O Buffer used by the X# Runtime for Low Level File Access for a file.
Public methodStatic memberFGetFileName
Return the filename for a file handle
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFGetS(IntPtr)
Read a line from an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFGetS(IntPtr, DWord)
Read a line from an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFGetS2
Read a line from an open file, specifying two strongly typed arguments.
Public methodStatic memberFGetStream
Access the FileStream object used by the X# Runtime for Low Level File Access
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFile
Determine if any file matches a given file specification.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFName
Return the name of the file found by FFCount(), FFirst(), or FNext().
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFNext
Find the next file that matches the file previously found by FFirst().
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFOpen(String)
Open a file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFOpen(String, DWord)
Open a file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFOpen2
Open a file, specifying two strongly-typed arguments.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFPathName
Return the name and path of the file that was used by File().
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFPutS(IntPtr, String)
Write a string, a carriage-return character, and a linefeed character to an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFPutS(IntPtr, String, DWord)
Write a string, a carriage-return character, and a linefeed character to an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFPutS3
Write a string, a carriage-return character, and a linefeed character to an open file, specifying three strongly-typed arguments.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFRead
Read characters from a file into a buffer variable that is passed by reference.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFRead3
Read characters from a file into an allocated buffer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFRead4
Read characters from a file into an allocated buffer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFReadLine
Read a line from an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFReadLine2
Read a line from an open file, specifying two strongly-typed arguments.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFReadStr
Read characters from a file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFReadText
Read characters from a file into a buffer variable that is passed by reference.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFReadText3
Read characters from a file into an allocated buffer, with possible OEM to ANSI conversion, based on the current SetAnsi() setting.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFRename
Change the name of a file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFRewind
Set the file pointer at the top of an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFSeek3
Set the file pointer to a new position, specifying three strongly-typed arguments.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFSize
Return the size of the file found by FFCount(), FFirst(), or FNext().
Public methodStatic memberFSize(IntPtr)
Returns the size in bytes of a specified file.
Public methodStatic memberFSize(String)
Returns the size in bytes of a specified file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFTell
Return the current position of the file pointer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFTell64
Return the current position of the file pointer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFTime
Return the time stamp of the file found by FFCount(), FFirst(), or FNext().
Public methodStatic memberFWrite(IntPtr, String)
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFWrite(IntPtr, String, DWord)
Write a string to an open file.
Public methodStatic memberFWrite(IntPtr, String, DWord, Logic)
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFWrite3
Write the contents of a buffer to an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFWrite4
Write the contents of a buffer to an open file, with an ANSI to OEM conversion option.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFWriteLine(IntPtr, String)
Write a string, a carriage-return character, and a linefeed character to an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFWriteLine(IntPtr, String, DWord)
Write a string, a carriage-return character, and a linefeed character to an open file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFWriteLine3
Write a string, a carriage-return character, and a linefeed character to an open file, specifying two strongly-typed arguments.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFWriteText3
Write the contents of a buffer to an open file, with SetAnsi() dependency.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetAMExt
Returns a string representing the morning extension for time strings in 12-hour format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetAmPm
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether time strings are in 12-hour or 24-hour format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetAnsi
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether database files are created using ANSI or OEM format and whether certain text file operations convert between the two character sets.
Public methodStatic memberGetChunkBase64
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetCurPath
Get the current X# search path for opening file.
Public methodStatic memberGetCursorProperty
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetDateFormat
Return the current date format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetDefault
Return the X# default drive and directory.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetDefaultDir
Return the current SetDefault() setting.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetDosError
Return the DOS error code from any application.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetEnv
Retrieve the contents of a DOS environment variable.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetFAttr(String)
Convert file attributes to numbers.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetFAttr(DWord)
Convert file attributes to numbers.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetFMask
Prepare a file specification for wildcard searching.
Public methodStatic memberGetMacroCompiler
Get the type of the class that is used to compile macros
Public methodStatic memberGetMimType
This function is not implemented yet
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetNatDLL
Get the current DLL for nation-dependent operations and messages.
Public methodStatic memberGetPartialEnumName
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetPMExt
Returns a string representing the evening extension for time strings in 12-hour format.
Public methodStatic memberGetSQLProperty
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGetTimeSep
Return the current separation character used in time strings.
Public methodStatic memberGetTimeZoneDiff
Returns TimeZone difference for current timezone in Hours
Public methodStatic memberGetYield
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleHardCR
Replace all soft carriage returns (Chr(141)) in a string with hard carriage returns (Chr(13)).
Public methodStatic memberHex2C
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleHiByte
Return the high-order (leftmost) byte in a number.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleHiWord
Return the high-order (leftmost) word in a number.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleI2Bin
Convert a short integer to a string containing a 16-bit signed integer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleI642Bin
Convert a long integer to a string containing a 32-bit signed integer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleInstr
Indicate whether a substring is contained in a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleIsAlNum
Determine if the leftmost character in a string is alphanumeric.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleIsAlpha
Determine if the leftmost character in a string is alphabetic.
Public methodStatic memberIsAlphaNum
Determine if the leftmost character in a string is alphanumeric..
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleIsBDigit
Determine if the leftmost character in a string is a binary digit (0 or 1).
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleIsDigit
Determine if the leftmost character in a string is a digit (that is, a numeric digit between 0 and 9).
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleIsLower
Determine if the leftmost character in a string is a lowercase letter.
Public methodStatic memberIsRunningOnWindows
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleIsSpace
Determine if the leftmost character in a string is a blank (that is, Chr(9) through Chr(13) or Chr(32)).
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleIsUpper
Determine if the leftmost character in a string is uppercase.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleIsXDigit
Determine if the leftmost character in a string is a hex character (that is, digits from 1 through 9 and letters from A through F).
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleL2Bin
Convert a long integer to a string containing a 32-bit signed integer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleLeft
Extract a substring beginning with the first character in a string.
Public methodStatic memberLike
Determine if a string matches a wildcard pattern (like the wildcard pattern for the DIR command in the OS).
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleLoByte
Return the low-order (rightmost) byte in a number.
Public methodStatic memberLockTries
Public methodStatic memberLockTries(DWord)
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleLogic2Bin
Convert a logical value to a string containing an 8-bit logical value.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleLower
Convert the uppercase and mixed case characters in a string to lowercase.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleLowerA
Convert the uppercase and mixed case characters in a string to lowercase, changing the contents of the argument as well as the return value.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleLoWord
Return the low-order (rightmost) word in a number.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleLTOC
Convert a logical value to a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleLTrim
Remove leading spaces from a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMakeDWord
Create a DWORD from two words
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMakeLong
Create a long from two words
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMakeShort
Create a Short from two bytes
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMakeWord
Create a Short from two bytes
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMemLines
Count the number of lines in a string or memo field.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMemoLine
Extract a line of text from a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMemoRead
Return the contents of a text file as a string.
Public methodStatic memberMemoReadBinary
Return the contents of a binary file as an array of bytes. Use this function in stead of MemoRead() to read the contents of a binary file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMemoWrit(String, Byte)
Write a string to a disk file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMemoWrit(String, String)
Write a string to a disk file.
Public methodStatic memberMemoWritBinary
Write binary data o a disk file. Use this function for binary files instead of MemoWrit(). This day may be read with MemoReadBinary().
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMLCount1
Count the number of lines in a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMLcToPos
Return the position of a character in a formatted string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMLine(String, DWord)
Extract a line of text from a string, specifying an optional offset argument.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMLine(String, DWord, DWord)
Extract a line of text from a string, specifying an optional offset argument.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMLine(String, DWord, DWord)
Extract a line of text from a string, specifying an optional offset argument.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMLine3
Extract a line of text from a string, specifying a required offset argument.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMLPos2
Determine the position of a line in a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMod(Double, Double)
Return the remainder of one number divided by another number.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMod(Long, Long)
Return the remainder of one number divided by another number.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMod(Int64, Int64)
Return the remainder of one number divided by another number.
Public methodStatic memberModuleName
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleNetErr
Detect a concurrency conflict.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleNetErr(Logic)
Detect a concurrency conflict.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleNetName
Identify the current workstation.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleNToCDoW
Convert the number that identifies a day into the name of the day.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleNToCMonth
Convert the number that identifies a month into the name of the month.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleOccurs
Return the number of times a substring occurs in a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleOccurs2
Return the number of times a substring occurs in a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleOccurs3
Return the number of times a substring occurs in a string, starting at a specified position.
Public methodStatic memberOem2Ansi(Byte)
Convert an array of OEM characters to ANSI characters.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleOem2Ansi(String)
Convert a string of OEM characters to ANSI characters.
Public methodStatic memberOem2Ansi(Byte, Long)
Convert an array of OEM characters to ANSI characters.
Public methodStatic memberOem2AnsiA(Byte)
Represents text as a sequence of UTF-16 code units.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleOem2AnsiA(String)
Convert a string of OEM characters to ANSI characters, changing the contents of the argument as well as the return value.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleOem2AnsiBuff
Convert a specified number of OEM characters in a source buffer to a buffer of corresponding, if any, ANSI characters.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleOS
Return the operating system name.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleOS(Logic)
Return the operating system name.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleProcFile
Return the name of the activated module.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleProcFile(Long)
Return the name of the activated module.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleProcFile(DWord)
Return the name of the activated module.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleProcLine
Return the source line number of the last line executed in an activated entity.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleProcLine(Long)
Return the source line number of the last line executed in an activated entity.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleProcLine(DWord)
Return the source line number of the last line executed in an activated entity.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleProcName
Return the name of an activated entity.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleProcName(Long)
Return the name of an activated entity.
Public methodStatic memberProcName(Long, Logic)
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleProper
Change the first character of each word to uppercase
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleProperA
Capitalize a proper name correctly, changing the contents of the argument as well as the return value.
Public methodStatic memberPtr2Bin
Convert a intptr to a string
Public methodStatic memberQPEncString
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleRAt
Return the position of the last occurrence of a substring within a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleRAt2
Return the position of the last occurrence of a substring within a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleRAt3
Return the position of the last occurrence of a substring within a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleRAtLine
Return the line number of the last occurrence of a substring within a multiline string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleRATLine2
Return the line number of the last occurrence of a substring within a multiline string.
Public methodStatic memberReadOsVersionFromRegistry
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleReal42Bin
Convert a Real4 value to a string containing a 32-bit floating point number.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleReal82Bin
Convert a Real8 value to a string containing an 8-byte floating point number.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterFileSearch
Register Worker function for File Search API.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleRepl
Repeat a string a specified number of times.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleReplicate
Repeat a string a specified number of times.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleRGB
Get a particular Windows color.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleRight
Return a substring beginning with the rightmost character.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleRTrim
Remove trailing spaces from a string.
Public methodStatic memberSClone
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSeconds
Return the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSecs
Return a time as the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetAMExt
Set the morning extension for time strings in 12-hour format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetAMExt(String)
Set the morning extension for time strings in 12-hour format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetAmPm
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether time strings are in 12-hour or 24-hour format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetAmPm(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether time strings are in 12-hour or 24-hour format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetAnsi
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether database files are created using ANSI or OEM format and whether certain text file operations convert between the two character sets.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetAnsi(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether database files are created using ANSI or OEM format and whether certain text file operations convert between the two character sets.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetBeep
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether a beep is sounded by the error system when an error occurs.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetBeep(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether a beep is sounded by the error system when an error occurs.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetCentury
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to include or omit century digits in the date format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetCentury(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to include or omit century digits in the date format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetCollation
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the internal collation routine used for string comparisons.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetCollation(String)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the internal collation routine used for string comparisons.
Public methodStatic memberSetCompatible
Public methodStatic memberSetCompatible(Logic)
Public methodStatic memberSetCpu Obsolete.
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the type of central processor you have.
Public methodStatic memberSetCpu(DWord) Obsolete.
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the type of central processor you have.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDateCountry
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the X# date format by selecting from a list of constants with corresponding date formats.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDateCountry(DWord)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the X# date format by selecting from a list of constants with corresponding date formats.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDateFormat
Change the setting that determines the X# date format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDecimal
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the number of decimal places used to display numbers.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDecimal(DWord)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the number of decimal places used to display numbers.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDecimalSep
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the decimal separation character to be used in numeric-to-string conversion functions.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDecimalSep(DWord)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the decimal separation character to be used in numeric-to-string conversion functions.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDefault
Change the setting that determines the X# default drive and directory.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDefault(String)
Change the setting that determines the X# default drive and directory.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDefaultDir
Change the setting that determines the location of the error log file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDefaultDir(String)
Change the setting that determines the location of the error log file.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDeleted
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to ignore or include records that are marked for deletion.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDeleted(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to ignore or include records that are marked for deletion.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDigit
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the number of digits that will be shown to the left of the decimal point when a number is displayed.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDigit(DWord)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the number of digits that will be shown to the left of the decimal point when a number is displayed.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDigitFixed
Return and optionally change the setting that fixes the number of digits used to display numeric output.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetDigitFixed(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that fixes the number of digits used to display numeric output.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetEnv(String, String)
Update or replace the contents of a DOS environment variable.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetEnv(String, String, Logic)
Update or replace the contents of a DOS environment variable.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetEpoch
Return and optionally change the setting that determines how dates without century digits are interpreted.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetEpoch(DWord)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines how dates without century digits are interpreted.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetErrorLog
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether error information is written to the error log file by the default runtime error handler.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetErrorLog(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether error information is written to the error log file by the default runtime error handler.
Public methodStatic memberSetErrorLogFile
Get the name of the current errorlog file
Public methodStatic memberSetErrorLogFile(String)
Set the name of the current errorlog file
Public methodStatic memberSetErrorStackVOFormat
This function allows you to enable or disable the VO compatible Errorstack format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetExact
Toggles an exact match for character string comparisons.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetExact(Logic)
Toggles an exact match for character string comparisons.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetExclusive
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to open database files in exclusive or shared mode.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetExclusive(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to open database files in exclusive or shared mode.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetFieldStore
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether assignments are made to fields or to memory variables.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetFieldStore(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether assignments are made to fields or to memory variables.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetFixed
Return and optionally change the setting that fixes the number of decimal digits used to display numbers.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetFixed(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that fixes the number of decimal digits used to display numbers.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetInternational
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the international mode for the application.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetInternational(String)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the international mode for the application.
Public methodStatic memberSetMacroCompiler(Type)
Set the type of the class that must be used to compile macros
Public methodStatic memberSetMacroCompiler(IMacroCompiler)
Set the class that must be used to compile macros
Public methodStatic memberSetMacroDuplicatesResolver
Set the delegate that may be used to decide which symbol to call for ambiguous symbols
Public methodStatic memberSetMath Obsolete.
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the internal operational characteristics of the underlying floating-point system.
Public methodStatic memberSetMath(DWord) Obsolete.
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the internal operational characteristics of the underlying floating-point system.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetNatDLL
Activate a new DLL for nation-dependent operations and messages.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetPath
Change the setting that determines the X# search path for opening files.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetPath(String)
Change the setting that determines the X# search path for opening files.
Public methodStatic memberSetPathArray
Return the Path array that is used by the File() function to locate files outside of the current directory. This is a combination of the SetDefault() and SetPath() variables. This may be null if the file function has never been called or never been called for files outside of the current directory.
Public methodStatic memberSetPathArray(String)
Set the Path array that is used by the File() function to locate files outside of the current directory. This is a combination of the SetDefault() and SetPath() variables. This array gets cleared when SetPath() or SetDefault() is called and is initialized the first time File() or a related function
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetPMExt
Set the evening extension for time strings in 12-hour format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetPMExt(String)
Set the evening extension for time strings in 12-hour format.
Public methodStatic memberSetRefresh
Retrieve and optionally set the time for which the RDD system caches data.
Public methodStatic memberSetRefresh(Double)
Retrieve and optionally set the time for which the RDD system caches data.
Public methodStatic memberSetSafety
Public methodStatic memberSetSafety(Logic)
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetScience
Return and optionally change the setting that displays numbers in scientific notation.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetScience(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that displays numbers in scientific notation.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetSoftSeek
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether a seek operation will find a close match when no exact match is found.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetSoftSeek(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether a seek operation will find a close match when no exact match is found.
Public methodStatic memberSetSpace
Return the setting that determines whether a space is displayed between fields or expressions when you use the ? or ?? command.
Public methodStatic memberSetSpace(Logic)
Change the setting that determines whether a space is displayed between fields or expressions when you use the ? or ?? command.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetThousandSep
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the thousands separation character to be used in numeric-to-string conversion functions.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetThousandSep(DWord)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the thousands separation character to be used in numeric-to-string conversion functions.
Public methodStatic memberSetTimeFormat
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetTimeSep
Change the setting that determines the separation character to be used in time strings.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetTimeSep(DWord)
Change the setting that determines the separation character to be used in time strings.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetUnique
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to include unique record keys in an order.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSetUnique(Logic)
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to include unique record keys in an order.
Public methodStatic memberSetYield
Public methodStatic memberSetYield(Logic)
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSLen
Return the length of a strongly typed string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSoundEx
Convert a string to Soundex form.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSpace
Create a string of spaces.
Public methodStatic memberSToDt
Convert an Date string to DateTime
Public methodStatic memberString2FAttr
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleStuff
Delete and insert characters in a string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSubStr2
Extract a substring from a string, using strong typing and only two arguments.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSubStr3
Extract a substring from a string, using strong typing and three required arguments.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSwapByte
Exchange the right and left halves of a byte.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSwapDWord
Exchange the right and left halves of a double word.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSwapInt
Exchange the right and left halves of an integer.
Public methodStatic memberSwapInt64
Exchange the right and left halves of a Int64
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSwapLong
Exchange the right and left halves of a long integer.
Public methodStatic memberSwapQWord
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSwapShort
Exchange the right and left halves of a short integer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSwapWord
Exchange the right and left halves of a word.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSystemTypeToUsualType
Calculate the Usual Type for a System Type
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleTime
Return the system time in a format determined by various international settings.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleTime24
Return the system time in 24-hour format.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleTrim
Remove trailing spaces from a string.
Public methodStatic memberTruePath
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleTString(Double)
Convert a specified number of seconds to a time string.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleTString(DWord)
Convert a specified number of seconds to a time string.
Public methodStatic memberTypeString
Return a descriptive name (in upper case) for a X# (Usual) Type
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleUpper
Convert the lowercase and mixed case characters in a string to uppercase.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleUpperA
Convert the lowercase and mixed case characters in a string to uppercase, changing the contents of the argument as well as the return value.
Public methodStatic memberUseBufferedFileStream
Retrieve the buffered File IO setting for the runtime
Public methodStatic memberUseBufferedFileStream(Logic)
Control the buffered File IO setting for the runtime
Public methodStatic memberUUDecodeLine
This function is not implemented yet
Public methodStatic memberUUEncFile
This function is not implemented yet
Public methodStatic memberUUEncLine
This function is not implemented yet
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleW2Bin
Convert a word to a string containing a 16-bit unsigned integer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleWorkDir
Return the currently selected working directory.
Globals and Defines
Public fieldStatic member_SET_ACCELERATORS
Public fieldStatic member_SET_ALTERNATE
Directs screen or printer output created with ?, ??, DISPLAY, or LIST to a text file.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_ALTFILE
Output filename for the Alternate file.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_AMEXT
A string representing the morning extension for time strings in 12-hour format.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_AMPM
The setting that determines whether time strings are in 12-hour or 24-hour format.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_ANSI
The setting that determines whether database files are created using ANSI or OEM format and whether certain text file operations convert between the two character sets.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_ASSERTS
Specifies whether to pad a shorter string with spaces when making a SQL string comparison or binary expression with zero (0) bytes when making a binary expression comparison in SQL commands using the equal sign operator (=).
Public fieldStatic member_SET_AUTOINCERROR
Specifies whether attempts to update or insert values in a field with automatically incrementing values generate errors.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_AUTOOPEN
Determines if production CDX files should be automatically opened. Defaults to TRUE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_AUTOORDER
Determines if the first index in the production CDX should be selected. Defaults to 0 for the FoxPro dialect and 1 for the other dialects.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_AUTOSHARE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_AXSLOCKING
Public fieldStatic member_SET_BELL
Turns the computer bell on or off and sets the bell attributes.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_BLOB_CIRCULAR_ARRAY_REF
Public fieldStatic member_SET_BLOBCIRCREF
Public fieldStatic member_SET_Cancel
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_CENTURY
Determines whether the century portion of date expressions is displaid.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_CODEPAGE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_COLLATEFOX
Specifies a collation sequence for character fields in subsequent indexing and sorting operations. Defaults to MACHINE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_COLLATION
Public fieldStatic member_SET_COLLATION_NAME
Public fieldStatic member_SET_COLLATIONMODE
Determines the current Collation mode (Windows, Clipper, Ordinal, Unicode, XPP)
Public fieldStatic member_SET_COLOR
Sets the colors used on the console output
Public fieldStatic member_SET_COLORMODE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_CONFIRM
Specifies whether the user can exit a text box by typing past the last character in the text box.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_CONNECTION_HANDLE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_CONSOLE
Enables or disables output to the console output window or to the active user-defined window from within programs.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_CPU
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_CURSOR
Determines whether the insertion point is displayed when Visual FoxPro waits for input.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DATABASE
Sets an open database as the current database or sets no current database.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DATASESSION
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DATECOUNTRY
Specifies the format for the display of Date and DateTime expressions.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DATEFORMAT
Specifies the format for the display of Date and DateTime expressions.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DBCODEPAGE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DBFLOCKSCHEME
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DEBUG
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DEBUGOUT
Directs debugging output to a file.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DECIMALS
Specifies the number of decimal places displayed in numeric expressions.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DECIMALSEP
Determines the decimal point character used in the display of numeric and currency expressions.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DEFAULT
Specifies the default drive and directory.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DEFAULTDIR
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DEFAULTRDD
Determines the current Default RDD. This is DBFVFP for the FoxPro dialect and DBFNTX for the other dialects.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DEFEXTENSIONS
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DELETED
Specifies whether Visual FoxPro processes records marked for deletion and whether they are available for use with other commands.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DELIMCHARS
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DELIMITERS
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DELIMRDD
Determines the name of the current Delim RDD.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DEVICE
Directs output from @ ... SAY to the screen, a printer, or a file.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DEVTIMEOUT
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DICT
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DIGITFIXED
The setting that fixes the number of digits used to display numeric output.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DIGITS
The setting that determines the number of digits that will be shown to the left of the decimal point when a number is displayed.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DIRCASE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DIRSEPARATOR
Public fieldStatic member_SET_DOSCODEPAGE
Determines the current DOS/OEM CodePage number
Public fieldStatic member_SET_EOF
Public fieldStatic member_SET_EOL
Public fieldStatic member_SET_EPOCH
Change the setting that determines how dates without century digits are interpreted.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_ESCAPE
Determines whether pressing the ESC key interrupts program and command execution.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_EXACT
Specifies rules that Visual FoxPro uses when comparing two strings of different lengths.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_EXACTKEYPOS
Public fieldStatic member_SET_EXCLUSIVE
Specifies whether Visual FoxPro opens table files for exclusive or shared use on a network.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_EXIT
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_FIELDDELIMITER
Determines the current field delimiter for Delim RDDs
Public fieldStatic member_SET_FIELDSTORE
The setting that determines whether assignments are made to fields or to memory variables.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_FILECASE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_FIXED
Specifies if the number of decimal places used in the display of numeric data is fixed.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_FLOATDELTA
The setting that determines the point at which 2 floating point numbers would be considered equal even though they are different.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_FORCEOPT
Public fieldStatic member_SET_FOXLOCK
Should the FoxPro locking scheme be used for DBFCDX and DBFVFP files.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_FULLPATH
FoxPro: Should CDX(),DBF() and similar functions return full paths
Public fieldStatic member_SET_HANDLEEVENT
Public fieldStatic member_SET_HARDCOMMIT
Public fieldStatic member_SET_HBOUTLOG
Public fieldStatic member_SET_HBOUTLOGINFO
Public fieldStatic member_SET_HPLOCK
Should High Performance NTX Locking be used for DBFNTX files.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_HPLOCKING
Should High Performance NTX Locking be used for DBFNTX files.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_IDLEREPEAT
Public fieldStatic member_SET_INSERT
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_INTENSITY
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_INTERNATIONAL
Public fieldStatic member_SET_INTL
Public fieldStatic member_SET_LANGUAGE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_LEXICAL
Public fieldStatic member_SET_LOCK
Enables or disables automatic file locking in certain commands.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_LOCKTRIES
The number of times certain lock operations are retried
Public fieldStatic member_SET_MARGIN
Sets the left printer margin and affects all output directed to the printer.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_MATH
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_MCENTER
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_MEMOBLOCKSIZE
Specifies how X# allocates disk space for the storage of memo fields. This is 64 for the FoxPro dialect and 32 for other dialects.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_MEMOEXT
Determines the current default Memofile extension.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_MEMOWIDTH
Specifies the displayed width of memo fields and character expressions.Default is 50
Public fieldStatic member_SET_MESSAGE
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_MULTILOCKS
Determines whether you can lock multiple records using LOCK( ) or RLOCK( ). Default is OFF
Public fieldStatic member_SET_NETERR
Public fieldStatic member_SET_NEWINDEXLOCK
Should the New Index Locking Scheme be used for DBFNTX files.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_NULL
Determines how null values are supported by the ALTER TABLE, CREATE TABLE and INSERT - SQL commands.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_NULLVALUE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_OPTIMIZE
Enables or disables Query Optimization.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_OSCODEPAGE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_PATH
Specifies a path for file searches.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_PMEXT
A string representing the evening extension for time strings in 12-hour format.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_POINT
Determines the decimal point character used in the display of numeric and currency expressions.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_PRINTER
Enables or disables output to the printer or routes output to a file, port, or network printer.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_PRINTFILE
Output filename for printer output.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_RDDINFO
Public fieldStatic member_SET_RECORDDELIMITER
Determines the current record delimiter for Delim RDDs
Public fieldStatic member_SET_REFRESH
Determines whether to and how frequently to update local memory buffers with changes from other users on the network.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_REPROCESS
Specifies how many times and for how long Visual FoxPro attempts to lock a file or record after an unsuccessful locking attempt.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_RIGHTSCHECKING
Public fieldStatic member_SET_RUSHMORE
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SAFETY
Determines whether Visual FoxPro displays a dialog box before overwriting an existing file.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SCIENCE
The setting that controls if numbers are displaid in scientific notation.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SCOREBOARD
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SCROLLBREAK
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SEPARATOR
Specifies the character that separates each group of three digits to the left of the decimal point when displaying a formatted numeric or currency value.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SMARTFILTER
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SOFTSEEK
Determines where the record pointer is positioned after FIND or SEEK unsuccessfully searches for a record.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SPACE
FoxPro: Add Space between ? and ?? field expressions
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SQL_PARAMETERS
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SQL_QUERY
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SQL_TABLE_PASSWORDS
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SQL_TIMEOUT
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SQLANSI
Specifies whether to pad a shorter string with spaces when making a SQL string comparison or binary expression with zero (0) bytes when making a binary expression comparison in SQL commands using the equal sign operator (=).
Public fieldStatic member_SET_SQLBUFFERING
Specifies if data in a SQL - SELECT statement is based on buffered data or data written to disk.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_STRICTREAD
Public fieldStatic member_SET_TEXTMERGE
FoxPro: Is Textmerge enabled.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_THOUSANDSEP
Specifies the character that separates each group of three digits to the left of the decimal point when displaying a formatted numeric or currency value.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_TIMEFORMAT
Public fieldStatic member_SET_TIMESEP
The current separation character used in time strings.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_TRIMFILENAME
Public fieldStatic member_SET_TYPEAHEAD
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_UNIQUE
Specifies whether records with duplicate index key values are maintained in an index file.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_USER
Start of User Defines Settings.
Public fieldStatic member_SET_VARCHARMAPPING
Public fieldStatic member_SET_WINCODEPAGE
Determines the current Windows CodePage number
Public fieldStatic member_SET_WRAP
--- not used ---
Public fieldStatic member_SET_YIELD
Public fieldStatic memberAMERICAN
mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yyyy
Public fieldStatic memberANSI
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_DIRECT_EXPORT
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_DIRECT_GET
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_DIRECT_IMPORT
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_DIRECT_PUT
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_EXPORT
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_EXPORT_APPEND
BLOB Import/Export define.
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_EXPORT_OVERWRITE
BLOB Import/Export define.
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_FILE_INTEGRITY
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_FILE_RECOVER
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_GET
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_IMPORT
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_IMPORT_COMPRESS
BLOB Import/Export define.
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_IMPORT_ENCRYPT
BLOB Import/Export define.
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_INFO_HANDLE
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_LEN
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_NMODE
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_OFFSET
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_POINTER
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_ROOT_GET
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_ROOT_LOCK
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_ROOT_PUT
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_ROOT_UNLOCK
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_TYPE
Public fieldStatic memberBLOB_USER
Public fieldStatic memberBRITISH
dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yyyy
Public fieldStatic memberCRLF
This define consists of a Carriage Return and a Line Feed. Unfortunately this is not properly shown in the help file, because the help file generator strips CRLF characters...
Public fieldStatic memberDB_DBF_STD
Standard table
Public fieldStatic memberDB_DBF_VFP
FoxPro table
Public fieldStatic memberDB_DBFLOCK_CLIPPER
default Clipper locking scheme
Public fieldStatic memberDB_DBFLOCK_CLIPPER2
extended Clipper locking scheme NTXLOCK2.OBJ
Public fieldStatic memberDB_DBFLOCK_COMIX
COMIX and CL53 DBFCDX hyper locking scheme
Public fieldStatic memberDB_DBFLOCK_DEFAULT
Default Harbour Locking scheme
Public fieldStatic memberDB_DBFLOCK_HB32
Harbour hyper locking scheme for 32bit file API
Public fieldStatic memberDB_DBFLOCK_HB64
Harbour hyper locking scheme for 64bit file API
Public fieldStatic memberDB_DBFLOCK_VFP
Public fieldStatic memberDB_MEMO_DBT
DBT Memo
Public fieldStatic memberDB_MEMO_FPT
FPT Memo
Public fieldStatic memberDB_MEMO_NONE
No Memo
Public fieldStatic memberDB_MEMO_SMT
SMT Memo
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_ALIAS
String: Alias
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_AUTOOPEN
Flag for automatically opening structural indexes
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_AUTOORDER
Should the order be set to the first index when a structural index is opened
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_AUTOSHARE
When a network is detected, open the index shared, otherwise open exclusively
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_BLOB_DIRECT_LEN
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_BLOB_DIRECT_TYPE
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_BLOB_HANDLE
Intptr: The memo file's handle
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_BLOB_INTEGRITY
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_BLOB_OFFSET
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_BLOB_RECOVER
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_BOF
Logic: Same as Bof()
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_CANPUTREC
Logical: Does the RDD support the PutRec mechanism ?
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_CHILDCOUNT
Number: Number of child relations set
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_CODEPAGE
Number: The Windows Codepage
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_CODEPAGE_HB
Harbour extension: Codepage used also memberd by VO and Vulcan
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_DB_VERSION
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_DBFILTER
String: Current Filter setting
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_DECRYPT
Harbour extension: Decrypt table
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_DIRTYREAD
Harbour extension: Get/Set index dirty read flag
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_DOSCODEPAGE
Number: The DOS Codepage
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_ENCRYPT
Harbour extension: Encrypt table
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_EOF
Logic: Same as Eof()
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_FCOUNT
Number: Number of fields per record
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_FILEHANDLE
IntPtr: The data file's handle
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_FILESTREAM
Stream: The RDDs stream object
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_FOUND
Logic: Same as Found()
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_FULLPATH
String: Full path to data file
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_GET_ACE_STMT_HANDLE
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_GET_ACE_TABLE_HANDLE
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_GETDELIMITER
String: Get default FIELD delimiter
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_GETHEADERSIZE
Numeric: Get header size of the file ?
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_GETLOCKARRAY
Array: Get array of locked records
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_GETRECSIZE
Numeric: Get record size
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_GETSCOPE
Object: The ScopeInfo
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_ISANSI
Logic: Is the file ansi encoded
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_ISDBF
Logical: Is the RDD DBF based ?
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_ISENCRYPTED
Harbour extension: The database is encrypted
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_ISFLOCK
Logic: Is there a file lock active?
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_ISREADONLY
Harbour extension: Was the file opened readonly?
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_ISTEMPORARY
Harbour extension: Is the table a temporary one?
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_LASTUPDATE
Date: Last date RDD file updated
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_LOCKCOUNT
Number: Number of record locks
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_LOCKOFFSET
Number: Lock offset
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_LOCKSCHEME
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_LOCKTEST
Harbour extension: record / file lock test
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_MEMOBLOCKSIZE
Number: The memo block size
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_MEMOEXT
String: Memo file extension
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_MEMOFIELD
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_MEMOHANDLE
Intptr: The memo file's handle
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_MEMOPACK
Harbour extension: Pack memo file
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_MEMOPATH
Stream: The memo file name
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_MEMOSTREAM
Stream: The memo file's stream
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_MEMOTYPE
Harbour extension: Type of MEMO file: DBT, SMT, FPT
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_MEMOVERSION
Harbour extension: sub version of memo file
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_NEWINDEXLOCK
Logic: Use new index lock mechanism
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_OPENINFO
Harbour extension: DBOPENINFO structure pointer
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_OPTIMIZE
Flag for whether to use query optimization
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_PASSWORD
Harbour extension: orkarea password
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_POSITIONED
Harbour extension: Is cursor positioned to valid record
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_QUERY
if area represents result of a query, obtain expression of this query
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RDD_LIST
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RDD_OBJECT
Returns RDD Object.
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RDD_VERSION
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_READONLY
Logic: is the file opened readonly
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_AND
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_CLEAR
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_COUNT
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_DESTROY
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_ENABLE
Recordlist extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_EXFILTER
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_GETFILTER
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_HASMAYBE
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_HITS
Recordlist extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_LEN
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_MAYBEEVAL
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_MISSES
Recordlist extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_NEW
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_NEWDUP
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_NEWQUERY
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_NEXTRECNO
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_NOT
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_OR
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_PREVRECNO
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_SET
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_SETFILTER
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RL_TEST
Clipmore extension:
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RM_ADD
Harbour record map extension: add record to work area record map
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RM_CLEAR
Harbour record map extension: remove all records from WA record map
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RM_COUNT
Harbour record map extension: number of records set in record map
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RM_CREATE
Harbour record map extension: create new empty work area record map
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RM_DROP
Harbour record map extension: remove record from work area record map
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RM_FILL
Harbour record map extension: add all records to WA record map
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RM_HANDLE
Harbour record map extension: get/set record map filter handle
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RM_REMOVE
Harbour record map extension: remove active work area record map
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RM_SUPPORTED
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_RM_TEST
Harbour record map extension: test if record is set in WA record map
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_ROLLBACK
Harbour extension: Rollback changes made to current record
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_SCOPEDRELATION
Harbour extension: Is given relation scoped
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_SEPARATOR
Harbour extension: The record separator (as a string)
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_SETDELIMITER
String: Set default FIELD delimiter
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_SETHEADER
Harbour extension: DBF header updating modes
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_SHARED
Logic: is the file opened shared
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_STRICTREAD
Flag for avoiding RDD hierarchy and using a bigger buffer when indexing
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_TABLEEXT
String: Get table file extension
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_TABLETYPE
Harbour extension: Type of table file
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_TRANSREC
Harbour extension: Is it destination table of currently processed COPY TO or APPEND FROM operation?
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_TRIGGER
Harbour extension: Get/Set trigger function
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_USER
Start of user defined DBI values
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_VALIDBUFFER
Logic: Is the buffer Valid
Public fieldStatic memberDBI_VO_MACRO_SYNTAX
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_AUTOOPEN
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_AUTOORDER
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_AUTOSHARE
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_AXS_PERCENT_INDEXED
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_BAGCOUNT
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_BAGEXT
String: The extension of the file containing this order
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_BAGNAME
String: The name of the file containing this order
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_BAGNUMBER
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_BAGORDER
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_CHGONLY
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_COLLATION
FoxPro CDX Index collation
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_CONDITION
String: The order's conditional expression
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_CUSTOM
Logic: Is this a Custom Index?
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_DEFBAGEXT
String: The defauly index extension
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_DUMP
Dump the current order to a text file in the folder of the index.
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_EVALSTEP
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_EXPRESSION
String: The order's key expression
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_FILEHANDLE
IntPtr: The handle of the index
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_FILESTREAM
FileStream: The stream object of the index
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_FINDREC
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_FINDRECCONT
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_FULLPATH
String: The full path to the index file (Bag)
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_GET_ACE_INDEX_HANDLE
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_HPLOCK_GATE
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_HPLOCKING
Logic : Using High Performance locking for this order?
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_I_BAGNAME
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_I_TAGNAME
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_INDEXEXT
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_INDEXNAME
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_INDEXPAGESIZE
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_INDEXTYPE
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_ISCOND
Logic : Does the order have a FOR condition?
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_ISDESC
Logic : Is the order DESCENDing?
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_ISMULTITAG
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_ISREADONLY
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_ISREINDEX
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_ISSORTRECNO
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYADD
Logic: Custom Index: Add key
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYCOUNT
Number: The count of keys in scope and filter
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYCOUNTRAW
Number: The key count disregarding filter
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYDEC
Number: The # of decimals in a numeric key
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYDELETE
Logic: Custom Index: Delete key
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYGOTO
Number: The current key position in scope and filter
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYGOTORAW
Number: The key number disregarding filters
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYNO
Number: The current key position in scope and filter
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYNORAW
Number: The key number disregarding filters
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYSINCLUDED
Number: Number of keys in the index order
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYSIZE
Number: The length of the order's key
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYTYPE
The type of the order's key (usualType value)
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_KEYVAL
Object: The value of the current key
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_LARGEFILE
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_LOCK_ALL
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_LOCK_FAIL
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_LOCKOFFSET
Number: The offset used for logical locking
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_MULTIKEY
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_NAME
String: The name of the order
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_NUMBER
Number: The numeric position in the list of orders
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_OPTIMIZE
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_OPTIMIZED_FULL
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_OPTIMIZED_NONE
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_OPTIMIZED_PART
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_OPTLEVEL
Number: Optimization level for current query
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_ORDERCOUNT
Number: The count of ORDERS contained in an index file or in total
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_PARTIAL
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_POSITION
Number: The current key position in scope and filter
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_READLOCK
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_RECNO
Number: The current key position disregarding filters
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_RELKEYPOS
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_RESETPOS
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SCOPEBOTTOM
Object: Get or Set the scope bottom
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SCOPEBOTTOMCLEAR
Void: Clear Bottom scope
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SCOPECLEAR
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SCOPEEVAL
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SCOPESET
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SCOPETOP
Object: Get or Set the scope top
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SCOPETOPCLEAR
Void: Clear top scope
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SETCODEBLOCK
Block : The codeblock that produces the key
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SHARED
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SKIPEVAL
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SKIPEVALBACK
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SKIPREGEX
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SKIPREGEXBACK
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SKIPUNIQUE
Logic: Was a skip to adjacent unique Key successful?
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SKIPWILD
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_SKIPWILDBACK
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_STRICTREAD
The following numbers are reserved but not implemented yet.
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_TEMPLATE
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_UNIQUE
Logic : Does the order have the UNIQUE attribute?
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_UPDATECOUNTER
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_USECURRENT
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_USER
Start of user defined values
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_VALIDATE
Logic: Validate the current order. Errors are written to a text file in the folder of the index. Only supported by DBFCDX
Public fieldStatic memberDBOI_WRITELOCK
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_BUFFPTR
Gets the buffer used by the RDD system for the record data. This is an array of bytes in X#.
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_DELETED
Gets the deleted flag for the record.
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_ENCRYPTED
Harbour: Is the current record encrypted?
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_LOCKED
Gets the locked state for the record. You may specify a specific record.
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_RAWDATA
Harbour extension: Return the current record and all the memos in the current record as one string.
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_RAWMEMOS
Harbour extension: Return all the memos in the current record as one string.
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_RAWRECORD
Harbour extension: Return the current record as one string.
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_RECNO
Gets the record number.
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_RECSIZE
Gets the record size. You may specify a specific record.
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_UPDATED
Gets/Sets a boolean indicating if the current record is updated.
Public fieldStatic memberDBRI_USER
Offset of user defined values.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_ALEN
Returns the length of the FieldInfo array.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_ALIAS
Returns and optionally changes an alternate name (or alias) by which a field can be referenced (by default, same as DBS_NAME).
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_BLANK
X# Extension: returns a blank value for the field.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_BLOB_DIRECT_LEN
Returns the length of data in a BLOB as an unsigned long integer, without referencing a particular memo field. With this constant, you must specify the BLOB using a numeric pointer obtained from BLOBDirectPut(), BLOBDirectImport(), or DBFieldInfo(DBS_BLOB_POINTER, <nFieldPos>).
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_BLOB_DIRECT_TYPE
Returns the type of data in a BLOB as an unsigned long integer, without referencing a particular memo field. With this constant, you must specify the BLOB using a numeric pointer obtained from BLOBDirectPut(), BLOBDirectImport(), or DBFieldInfo(DBS_BLOB_POINTER, <nFieldPos>).
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_BLOB_GET
Gets a BLOB value.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_BLOB_LEN
Returns the length of the BLOB data in a memo field as an unsigned long integer.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_BLOB_OFFSET
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_BLOB_POINTER
Returns a numeric pointer to the BLOB data associated with a memo field.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_BLOB_TYPE
Unlike memo fields maintained in .DBT files, BLOB files allow you to store many different types of data in memo fields. This returns type type of the BLOB as a single character string.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_CAPTION
Foxpro extension: Returns the field caption.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_COLUMNINFO
VFP / SQL extension: Returns the object with the complete column information.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_COUNTER
Harbour extension: Returns the next available value for autoincrement fields.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_DEC
Returns the number of decimal places for the field.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_DESCRIPTION
VFP / SQL extension: Returns a string describing the object (the comment).
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_FLAGS
Returns the field flags for a field (a value from the DBFFieldFlags enum)
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_ISNULL
Harbour extension: Returns the flag that indicates if a field is Nullable.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_LEN
Returns the length of the field.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_NAME
Returns the name of the field.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_PROPERTIES
Returns the number of properties defined for a field.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_STEP
Harbour extension: Returns the step value for autoincrement fields.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_STRUCT
Return the RDD FieldInfo structure
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_TYPE
Returns the data type of the field. This is a single character string such as 'C' or 'N'.
Public fieldStatic memberDBS_USER
Start of user defined FieldInfo values.
Public fieldStatic memberDBT_DEFBLOCKSIZE
Default DBT BlockSize
Public fieldStatic memberDMY
dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yyyy
Public fieldStatic memberDUTCH
mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yyyy
Public fieldStatic memberEDB
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_ASSERTION
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_BAD_ERROR_INFO
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_BADALIAS
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_CREATEINDEX
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_CREATETABLE
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_CYCLICREL
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_DBSTRUCT
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_DRIVERLOAD
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_DUPALIAS
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_ERRORINIT
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_EXPR_WIDTH
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_EXPRESSION
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_FIELDINDEX
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_FIELDNAME
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_GOTO
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_NOAREAS
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_NODB
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_NOFIELDS
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_NOINITFUNCTION
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_NOMEM
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_NOORDER
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_NOTABLE
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_ORDDESTROY
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_PARAM
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_RDDNOTFOUND
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_RECNO
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_SEEK
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_SELECT
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_SETFILTER
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_SETINDEX
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_SETORDER
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_SETRELATION
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_SKIP
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_SYMSELECT
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_TOTAL
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_USE
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberEDB_WRONGFIELDNAME
RDD Error Number.
Public fieldStatic memberF_ACCESS_DATE
Position in Directory() sub-array for last access date(as a date).
Public fieldStatic memberF_ACCESS_TIME
Position in Directory() sub-array for last access time(as a string).
Public fieldStatic memberF_ATTR
Position in Directory() sub-array for file attributes(as a number).
Public fieldStatic memberF_CREATION_DATE
Position in Directory() sub-array for creation date(as a date).
Public fieldStatic memberF_CREATION_TIME
Position in Directory() sub-array for creation time(as a string).
Public fieldStatic memberF_DATE
Position in Directory() sub-array for last file write date(as a date).
Public fieldStatic memberF_EA_SIZE
Position in Directory() sub-array for Size of extended attributes(as a string).
Public fieldStatic memberF_LEN
Length of Directory() sub-array.
Public fieldStatic memberF_NAME
Position in Directory() sub-array for fileName (as a string).
Public fieldStatic memberF_SIZE
Position in Directory() sub-array for filesize(as a numeric).
Public fieldStatic memberF_TIME
Position in Directory() sub-array for last file write time(as a string).
Public fieldStatic memberF_WRITE_DATE
Position in Directory() sub-array for last file write date(as a date).
Public fieldStatic memberF_WRITE_TIME
Position in Directory() sub-array for last file write time(as a string).
Public fieldStatic memberFC_ARCHIVED
FCreate() attribute mode: archived
Public fieldStatic memberFC_HIDDEN
FCreate() attribute mode: hidden file
Public fieldStatic memberFC_NORMAL
FCreate() attribute mode: normal read/write file (default for create)
Public fieldStatic memberFC_READONLY
FCreate() attribute mode: read-only file
Public fieldStatic memberFC_SYSTEM
FCreate() attribute mode: system file
Public fieldStatic memberFO_COMPAT
FOpen() Sharing Mode: Compatibility mode (default)
Public fieldStatic memberFO_DENYNONE
FOpen() Sharing Mode: (same as FO_SHARED)
Public fieldStatic memberFO_DENYREAD
FOpen() Sharing Mode: Prevent other processes from reading
Public fieldStatic memberFO_DENYWRITE
FOpen() Sharing Mode: Prevent other processes from writing
Public fieldStatic memberFO_EXCLUSIVE
FOpen() Sharing Mode: Exclusive
Public fieldStatic memberFO_READ
FOpen() Open Mode: Open for reading (default)
Public fieldStatic memberFO_READWRITE
FOpen() Open Mode: Open for reading or writing
Public fieldStatic memberFO_SHARED
FOpen() Sharing Mode: Allow other processes to read or write
Public fieldStatic memberFO_UNBUFFERED
FOpen() Open Mode: UnBuffered. Added to FO_READ, FO_WRITE and FO_READWRITE
Public fieldStatic memberFO_WRITE
FOpen() Open Mode: Open for writing
Public fieldStatic memberFPT_DEFBLOCKSIZE
Default FPT BlockSize
Public fieldStatic memberFRENCH
dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yyyy
Public fieldStatic memberFS_END
FSeek() Seek Offset: Seek from end of file
Public fieldStatic memberFS_RELATIVE
FSeek() Seek Offset: Seek from current file position
Public fieldStatic memberFS_SET
FSeek() Seek Offset: Seek from beginning of file
Public fieldStatic memberGERMAN
Public fieldStatic memberITALIAN
mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yyyy
Public fieldStatic memberJAPANESE
yy/mm/dd yyyy/mm/dd
Public fieldStatic memberMDY
mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yyyy
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_AFFECTEDROWS
number of affected rows after UPDATE
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_AUTOLOCK
automatic locking on update
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_AUTOOPEN
Flag for automatically opening structural indexes
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_AUTOORDER
When a structural index is opened, the order to be set
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_AUTOSHARE
When a network is detected, open the index shared, otherwise open exclusively
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_BLOB_SUPPORT
can support BLOB files directly
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_CANPUTREC
Can this RDD Put Records?
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_CONNECT
connect to database
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_CONNECTION
Get/Set default connection
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_DECIMALS
Get/Set default number of decimal places for numeric fields if it's undefined
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_DELIMITER
The field delimiter (as a string)
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_DIRTYREAD
Get/Set index dirty read flag
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_DISCONNECT
disconnect from database
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_ENCRYPTION
Does RDD support encryption
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_ERROR
error number
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_ERRORNO
error description
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_EXECUTE
execute SQL statement
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_FORCEOPT
Flag for forcing linear optimization
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_INDEXPAGESIZE
Get/Set default index page size
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_INSERTID
last auto insert ID
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_ISDBF
Does this RDD support DBFs?
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_LARGEFILE
Is large file size (>=4GB) supported
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_LOCAL
Local file access?
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_LOCKRETRY
Get/Set record and file lock timeout value
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_LOCKSCHEME
Locking scheme used by RDD
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_MEMOBLOCKSIZE
Does this RDD support DBFs?
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_MEMOEXT
Default memo file's file extension
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_MEMOGCTYPE
type of garbage collector used by GC
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_MEMOREADLOCK
use read lock in memo file access
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_MEMOREUSE
reuse free space on write
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_MEMOTYPE
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_MEMOVERSION
sub version of memo file
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_MULTIKEY
Does custom orders support repeated keys?
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_MULTITAG
Does RDD support multi tag in index file
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_OPTIMIZE
Flag for whether to use query optimization
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_ORDBAGEXT
Default multi tag index's file extension
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_ORDEREXT
default single tag index's file extension
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_ORDSTRUCTEXT
default single tag index's file extension
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_PASSWORD
Get/Set default password
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_PENDINGPASSWORD
set pending password for next open operation
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_PENDINGTRIGGER
set pending trigger for next open operation
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_QUERY
last executed query
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_RECORDMAP
Does RDD support record map functionality?
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_REMOTE
Remote table access?
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_SEPARATOR
The record separator (as a string)
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_SETHEADER
DBF header updating modes
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_SORTRECNO
Is record number part of key in sorting
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_STRICTREAD
Flag for avoiding RDD hierarchy and using a bigger buffer when indexing
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_STRICTSTRUCT
Flag for strict structural order checking
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_STRUCTORD
Are structural indexes supported
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_TABLEEXT
Default data file's file extension
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_TABLETYPE
Type of table file
Public fieldStatic memberRDDI_TRIGGER
Get/Set default trigger function
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_CREDIT
String ID for the literal for credit
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_CURRENCY
String ID for the long literal for currency
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_DAY1
String ID for the day Sunday
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_DAY2
String ID for the day Monday
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_DAY3
String ID for the day Tuesday
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_DAY4
String ID for the day Wednesday
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_DAY5
String ID for the day Thursday
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_DAY6
String ID for the day Friday
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_DAY7
String ID for the day Saturday
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_DEBIT
String ID for the literal for Debit
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_INFOSTRING
String ID for the description of the Nation Table
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_LONG_FALSE
String ID for the long literal for FALSE
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_LONG_NO
String ID for the long literal for NO
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_LONG_TRUE
String ID for the long literal for TRUE
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_LONG_YES
String ID for the long literal for YES
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH1
String ID for the month January
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH10
String ID for the month October
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH11
String ID for the month November
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH12
String ID for the month December
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH2
String ID for the month February
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH3
String ID for the month March
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH4
String ID for the month April
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH5
String ID for the month May
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH6
String ID for the month June
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH7
String ID for the month July
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH8
String ID for the month August
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_MONTH9
String ID for the month September
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_SHORT_FALSE
String ID for the short literal for FALSE
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_SHORT_NO
String ID for the short literal for NO
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_SHORT_TRUE
String ID for the short literal for TRUE
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_SHORT_YES
String ID for the short literal for YES
Public fieldStatic memberRT_MSG_YNSTRING
String ID for the literal for Yes/No
Public fieldStatic memberSCOPE_BOTH
Scope value for DbScope(), DbSetScope() and DbClearScope().
Public fieldStatic memberSCOPE_BOTTOM
Scope value for DbScope(), DbSetScope() and DbClearScope().
Public fieldStatic memberSCOPE_TOP
Scope value for DbScope(), DbSetScope() and DbClearScope().
Public fieldStatic memberSMT_DEFBLOCKSIZE
Default SMT Blocksize
Public fieldStatic memberTAIWAN
yy/mm/dd yyyy/mm/dd
Public fieldStatic memberUSA
mm-dd-yy mm-dd-yyyy
Public fieldStatic memberYMD
yy/mm/dd yyyy/mm/dd
See Also