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DbFileSpec Properties


The DbFileSpec type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleAttributes
One or more of the following characters concatenated into a string, indicating the attributes of the file represented by this file specification:
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public propertyDateChanged
A date value denoting when the file was created or last changed. If the file is not found, NULL_DATE is returned.
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public propertyDBFAttr
The DBF file attributes returned as a string type.
Public propertyDBFDateChanged
The DBF file date stamp returned as a date type.
Public propertyDBFName
The DBF file name and extension.
Public propertyDBFSize
The DBF file size.
Public propertyDBFTime
The DBF file time stamp returned as a string.
Public propertyDbStruct
An array containing the structure of the DBF file.
Public propertyDelim
Access the delimiter used for the CopyTo() method.
Public propertyCode exampleDrive
A string representing the drive defined to this file specification.
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public propertyErrInfo
Return the error object from the last Copy() or Move() operation.
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public propertyExtension
A string representing the extension defined to this file specification.
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public propertyFCount
The number of fields in the DBF file.
Public propertyFields
The 1-D array of DBF fields to copy out to when using the CopyTo() method.
Public propertyFileName
Assign a file name to the DBFileSpec object.
(Overrides FileName.)
Public propertyForBlock
The FOR condition code block used for the CopyTo() method.
Public propertyFullPath
Assign a full path—including drive, directory, file name, and extension—to the DBFileSpec object.
(Overrides FullPath.)
Public propertyHeaderSize
The size of the DBF file header.
Public propertyHidRDDs
The 1-D array of "hidden" RDDs (i.e., DBFMEMO) used for the CopyTo() method.
Public propertyIndexNames
The 1-D array of index files with drive, path, file name, and extension information.
Public propertyIsAnsi
The ANSI/OEM setting used in the DBF file header.
Public propertyLastUpDate
The date of the last update made to the DBF file as reported in the DBF header.
Public propertyMemAttr
The memo file attributes.
Public propertyMemBlockSize
The memo block size used in the memo file.
Public propertyMemDateChanged
The memo file date stamp returned as a date type.
Public propertyMemFileExt
The memo file name extension excluding the file name.
Public propertyMemFileName
The base memo file name excluding the file name extension.
Public propertyMemFullPath
The full path of the memo file, including drive, directory, file name, and extension.
Public propertyMemName
The memo file name and extension.
Public propertyMemSize
The memo file size.
Public propertyMemTime
The memo file time stamp returned as a string.
Public propertyOrders
The 1-D array of OrderSpec objects that are associated with this DBFileSpec object.
Public propertyCode examplePath
A string representing the path defined to this file specification.
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public propertyRDD_Name
The name of the RDD used for instantiation.
Public propertyRDD_Version
The version number of the RDD.
Public propertyRDDs
An array of "hidden" RDDs (such as DBFMEMO) used for instantiation.
Public propertyRecCount
The number of records in the DBF. (Note that "LastRec" is not available in this class, only in the dbServer class)
Public propertyRecno
The record number for the CopyTo() method when a single record is required.
Public propertyRecords
The number of records for the CopyTo() method.
Public propertyRecSize
The record size of the DBF.
Public propertyRest
A logical determining if the CopyTo() method is to copy all records or the current record to EOF.
Public propertyRLockCount
The number of locked records in the DBF.
Public propertySDF
A logical determining if the CopyTo() method is to copy out to an SDF file.
Public propertySize
A numeric value representing the size, in bytes, of the file represented by this file specification.
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public propertyTimeChanged
A string indicating the time when the file was created or last changed.
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public propertyWhileBlock
A WHILE condition code block used with the CopyTo() method.
See Also