| Member name | Value | Description |
| DBI_ISDBF | 1 | Logical: Is the RDD DBF based ? |
| DBI_CANPUTREC | 2 | Logical: Does the RDD support the PutRec mechanism ? |
| DBI_GETHEADERSIZE | 3 | Numeric: Get header size of the file ? |
| DBI_LASTUPDATE | 4 | Date: Last date RDD file updated |
| DBI_GETDELIMITER | 5 | String: Get default FIELD delimiter |
| DBI_SETDELIMITER | 6 | String: Set default FIELD delimiter |
| DBI_GETRECSIZE | 7 | Numeric: Get record size |
| DBI_GETLOCKARRAY | 8 | Array: Get array of locked records |
| DBI_TABLEEXT | 9 | String: Get table file extension |
| DBI_READONLY | 10 | String: Get table file extension |
| DBI_ISFLOCK | 20 | Logic: Is there a file lock active? |
| DBI_FILESTREAM | 21 | Stream: The RDDs stream object |
| DBI_CHILDCOUNT | 22 | Number: Number of child relations set |
| DBI_FILEHANDLE | 23 | IntPtr: The data file's handle |
| DBI_FULLPATH | 24 | String: Full path to data file |
| DBI_ISANSI | 25 | Logic: Is the file ansi encoded |
| DBI_BOF | 26 | Logic: Same as Bof() |
| DBI_EOF | 27 | Logic: Same as Eof() |
| DBI_DBFILTER | 28 | String: Current Filter setting |
| DBI_FOUND | 29 | Logic: Same as Found() |
| DBI_FCOUNT | 30 | Number: Number of fields per record |
| DBI_LOCKCOUNT | 31 | Number: Number of record locks |
| DBI_VALIDBUFFER | 32 | Logic: Is the buffer Valid |
| DBI_ALIAS | 33 | String: Alias |
| DBI_GETSCOPE | 34 | Object: The ScopeInfo |
| DBI_LOCKOFFSET | 35 | Number: Lock offset |
| DBI_SHARED | 36 | Logic: is the file opened shared |
| DBI_MEMOEXT | 37 | String: Memo file extension |
| DBI_MEMOHANDLE | 38 | Intptr: The memo file's handle |
| DBI_BLOB_HANDLE | 38 | Intptr: The memo file's handle |
| DBI_MEMOBLOCKSIZE | 39 | Number: The memo block size |
| DBI_CODEPAGE | 41 | Number: The Windows Codepage |
| DBI_DOSCODEPAGE | 42 | Number: The DOS Codepage |
| DBI_NEWINDEXLOCK | 44 | Logic: Use new index lock mechanism |
| DBI_STRICTREAD | 60 | Flag for avoiding RDD hierarchy and using a bigger buffer when indexing |
| DBI_OPTIMIZE | 61 | Flag for whether to use query optimization |
| DBI_AUTOOPEN | 62 | Flag for automatically opening structural indexes |
| DBI_AUTOORDER | 63 | Should the order be set to the first index when a structural index is opened |
| DBI_AUTOSHARE | 64 | When a network is detected, open the index shared, otherwise open exclusively |
| DBI_MEMOSTREAM | 65 | Stream: The memo file's stream |
| DBI_MEMOPATH | 66 | Stream: The memo file name |
| DBI_DB_VERSION | 101 | |
| DBI_RDD_VERSION | 102 | |
| DBI_RDD_LIST | 103 | |
| DBI_MEMOFIELD | 104 | |
| DBI_RDD_OBJECT | 106 | Returns RDD Object. |
| DBI_LOCKSCHEME | 128 | |
| DBI_ISREADONLY | 129 | Harbour extension: Was the file opened readonly? |
| DBI_ROLLBACK | 130 | Harbour extension: Rollback changes made to current record |
| DBI_PASSWORD | 131 | Harbour extension: orkarea password |
| DBI_ISENCRYPTED | 132 | Harbour extension: The database is encrypted |
| DBI_MEMOTYPE | 133 | Harbour extension: Type of MEMO file: DBT, SMT, FPT |
| DBI_SEPARATOR | 134 | Harbour extension: The record separator (as a string) |
| DBI_MEMOVERSION | 135 | Harbour extension: sub version of memo file |
| DBI_TABLETYPE | 136 | Harbour extension: Type of table file |
| DBI_SCOPEDRELATION | 137 | Harbour extension: Is given relation scoped |
| DBI_TRIGGER | 138 | Harbour extension: Get/Set trigger function |
| DBI_OPENINFO | 139 | Harbour extension: DBOPENINFO structure pointer |
| DBI_ENCRYPT | 140 | Harbour extension: Encrypt table |
| DBI_DECRYPT | 141 | Harbour extension: Decrypt table |
| DBI_MEMOPACK | 142 | Harbour extension: Pack memo file |
| DBI_DIRTYREAD | 143 | Harbour extension: Get/Set index dirty read flag |
| DBI_POSITIONED | 144 | Harbour extension: Is cursor positioned to valid record |
| DBI_ISTEMPORARY | 145 | Harbour extension: Is the table a temporary one? |
| DBI_LOCKTEST | 146 | Harbour extension: record / file lock test |
| DBI_CODEPAGE_HB | 147 | Harbour extension: Codepage used also memberd by VO and Vulcan |
| DBI_TRANSREC | 148 | Harbour extension: Is it destination table of currently processed COPY TO or APPEND FROM operation? |
| DBI_SETHEADER | 149 | Harbour extension: DBF header updating modes |
| DBI_RM_SUPPORTED | 150 | |
| DBI_RM_CREATE | 151 | Harbour record map extension: create new empty work area record map |
| DBI_RM_REMOVE | 152 | Harbour record map extension: remove active work area record map |
| DBI_RM_CLEAR | 153 | Harbour record map extension: remove all records from WA record map |
| DBI_RM_FILL | 154 | Harbour record map extension: add all records to WA record map |
| DBI_RM_ADD | 155 | Harbour record map extension: add record to work area record map |
| DBI_RM_DROP | 156 | Harbour record map extension: remove record from work area record map |
| DBI_RM_TEST | 157 | Harbour record map extension: test if record is set in WA record map |
| DBI_RM_COUNT | 158 | Harbour record map extension: number of records set in record map |
| DBI_RM_HANDLE | 159 | Harbour record map extension: get/set record map filter handle |
| DBI_QUERY | 170 | if area represents result of a query, obtain expression of this query |
| DBI_REFRESH | 171 | Refresh the current data in the SQLRDD |
| BLOB_INFO_HANDLE | 201 | |
| BLOB_OFFSET | 204 | |
| BLOB_POINTER | 205 | |
| BLOB_LEN | 206 | |
| BLOB_TYPE | 207 | |
| BLOB_EXPORT | 208 | |
| BLOB_ROOT_UNLOCK | 209 | |
| BLOB_ROOT_PUT | 210 | |
| BLOB_ROOT_GET | 211 | |
| BLOB_ROOT_LOCK | 212 | |
| BLOB_IMPORT | 213 | |
| BLOB_DIRECT_PUT | 214 | |
| BLOB_DIRECT_GET | 215 | |
| BLOB_GET | 216 | |
| BLOB_NMODE | 219 | |
| BLOB_DIRECT_TYPE | 222 | |
| BLOB_DIRECT_LEN | 223 | |
| BLOB_USER | 2000 | |
| DBI_USER | 1000 | Start of user defined DBI values |
| DBI_RL_AND | 1001 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_CLEAR | 1002 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_COUNT | 1003 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_DESTROY | 1004 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_EXFILTER | 1005 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_GETFILTER | 1006 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_HASMAYBE | 1007 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_LEN | 1008 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_MAYBEEVAL | 1009 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_NEW | 1010 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_NEWDUP | 1011 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_NEWQUERY | 1012 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_NEXTRECNO | 1013 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_NOT | 1014 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_OR | 1015 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_PREVRECNO | 1016 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_SET | 1017 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_SETFILTER | 1018 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_TEST | 1019 | Clipmore extension: |
| DBI_RL_HITS | 1020 | Recordlist extension: |
| DBI_RL_MISSES | 1021 | Recordlist extension: |
| DBI_RL_ENABLE | 1022 | Recordlist extension: |