DbNotificationType Enumeration | |
Enum that described the possible Notification messages that are sent to clients of Workareas
XSharp.Core (in XSharp.Core.dll) Version: 2.22 GA
Syntax public enum DbNotificationType
| Member name | Value | Description |
| FileCreate | 0 | This message is sent after a file was created. The Data parameter is the name of the file that was opened. |
| FileOpen | 1 | This message is sent after a file was opened. The Data parameter is the name of the file that was opened. |
| FileClose | 2 | This message is sent after a file is closed. The Data parameter is the name of the file that was closed. |
| IndexCreate | 3 | This message is sent after an index was created. The Data parameter is the name of the file that was opened. |
| IndexDelete | 4 | This message is sent after an index was deleted. The Data parameter is the name of the file that was opened. |
| IndexOpen | 5 | This message is sent after an index was opened. The Data parameter is the name of the file that was opened. |
| IndexClose | 6 | This message is sent after an index was closed. The Data parameter is the name of the file that was closed. |
| BeforeBulkOperation | 7 | This message is sent before a bulk operation is started. The Data parameter is a description of the operation. |
| AfterBulkOperation | 8 | This message is sent after a bulk operation was completed. The Data parameter is a description of the operation. |
| OrderChanged | 9 | This message is sent after an order was changed. The Data parameter is the name of the new order. |
| BeforeFieldUpdate | 10 | This message is sent before a field is updated The Data parameter is the fieldname of the field that was updated. |
| AfterFieldUpdate | 11 | This message is sent after a field was updated The Data parameter is the fieldname of the field that was updated. |
| BeforeMove | 12 | This message is sent before the record pointer is moved. The Data parameter indicates the reason for the move |
| AfterMove | 13 | This message is sent after the record pointer was moved. The Data parameter indicates the reason for the move |
| RecordAppended | 14 | This message is sent after a new record was appended. The Data parameter is the record number of the record. |
| AfterRecordDeleted | 15 | This message is sent after a record was deleted. The Data parameter is the record number of the record. |
| RecordDeleted | 15 | This message is sent after a record was deleted. The Data parameter is the record number of the record. |
| AfterRecordRecalled | 16 | This message is sent after a record was recalled. The Data parameter is the record number of the record. |
| RecordRecalled | 16 | This message is sent after a record was recalled. The Data parameter is the record number of the record. |
| RecordLocked | 17 | This message is sent after a record was locked. The Data parameter is the record number of the record. |
| RecordUnLocked | 18 | This message is sent after a record was unlocked. The Data parameter is the record number of the record. |
| FileCommit | 19 | This message is sent after a Workarea was commited. The Data parameter is the file name of area. |
| BeforeRecordDeleted | 20 | This message is sent before a record is deleted. The Data parameter is the record number of the record. |
| BeforeRecordRecalled | 21 | This message is sent before a record is recalled. The Data parameter is the record number of the record. |
| OperationFailed | 99 | This message is sent after an operation failed. The Data parameter is the description of the operation. |
Remarks Clients that want to subscribe to these notifications can register themselves by calling DbRegisterClient() and must implement IDbNotify().
See Also