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Set Enumeration

Values that match the Visual Objects SET_* defines

Namespace:  XSharp
Assembly:  XSharp.Core (in XSharp.Core.dll) Version: 2.22 GA
 enum Set
  Member nameValueDescription
Exact1Specifies rules that Visual FoxPro uses when comparing two strings of different lengths.
Fixed2Specifies if the number of decimal places used in the display of numeric data is fixed.
Decimals3Specifies the number of decimal places displayed in numeric expressions.
DateFormat4Specifies the format for the display of Date and DateTime expressions.
Epoch5Change the setting that determines how dates without century digits are interpreted.
Path6Specifies a path for file searches.
Default7Specifies the default drive and directory.
Exclusive8Specifies whether Visual FoxPro opens table files for exclusive or shared use on a network.
Unique10Specifies whether records with duplicate index key values are maintained in an index file.
Deleted11Specifies whether Visual FoxPro processes records marked for deletion and whether they are available for use with other commands.
Cancel12--- not used ---
Debug13--- not used ---
Typeahead14--- not used ---
Color15Sets the colors used on the console output
Cursor16Determines whether the insertion point is displayed when Visual FoxPro waits for input.
Console17Enables or disables output to the console output window or to the active user-defined window from within programs.
Alternate18Directs screen or printer output created with ?, ??, DISPLAY, or LIST to a text file.
AltFile19Output filename for the Alternate file.
Device20Directs output from @ ... SAY to the screen, a printer, or a file.
Printer23Enables or disables output to the printer or routes output to a file, port, or network printer.
PrintFile24Output filename for printer output.
Margin25Sets the left printer margin and affects all output directed to the printer.
Bell26Turns the computer bell on or off and sets the bell attributes.
Confirm27Specifies whether the user can exit a text box by typing past the last character in the text box.
Escape28Determines whether pressing the ESC key interrupts program and command execution.
Insert29--- not used ---
Exit30--- not used ---
Intensity31--- not used ---
Scoreboard32--- not used ---
Delimiters33--- not used ---
DelimChars34--- not used ---
Wrap35--- not used ---
Message36--- not used ---
Mcenter37--- not used ---
ScrollBreak38--- not used ---
Errorlog39--- not used ---
Digits41The setting that determines the number of digits that will be shown to the left of the decimal point when a number is displayed.
AmExt42A string representing the morning extension for time strings in 12-hour format.
PmExt43A string representing the evening extension for time strings in 12-hour format.
Ansi44The setting that determines whether database files are created using ANSI or OEM format and whether certain text file operations convert between the two character sets.
Locktries46The number of times certain lock operations are retried
AmPm47The setting that determines whether time strings are in 12-hour or 24-hour format.
Century48Determines whether the century portion of date expressions is displaid.
DigitFixed49The setting that fixes the number of digits used to display numeric output.
DecimalSep50Determines the decimal point character used in the display of numeric and currency expressions.
ThousandSep51Specifies the character that separates each group of three digits to the left of the decimal point when displaying a formatted numeric or currency value.
Timesep52The current separation character used in time strings.
Fieldstore53The setting that determines whether assignments are made to fields or to memory variables.
Science54The setting that controls if numbers are displaid in scientific notation.
Cpu55--- not used ---
Floatdelta56The setting that determines the point at which 2 floating point numbers would be considered equal even though they are different.
Math57--- not used ---
DateCountry59Specifies the format for the display of Date and DateTime expressions.
EpochCent70Determines how X# interprets dates that specify only 2 digit years.
EpochYear71Determines how X# interprets dates that specify only 2 digit years.
DateFormatNet72The current dateformat in .Net format.
DateFormatEmpty73The empty representation of the current date format.
SysObject74SysObject value
NoMethod76The last method called with a late bound send operator that was not found in the object that was used.
Patharray78The current path setting as an array of strings.
NatDLL79Determines the name of the current Nation DLL.
CollationTable80Determines the collation array read from the current Nation DLL
ErrorLevel81--- not used ---
ErrorBlock82The codeblock set for the current error handler.
LastScriptError85The last script error that occurred.
LastFound86The last file found with File()
DelimRDD89Determines the name of the current Delim RDD.
FieldDelimiter90Determines the current field delimiter for Delim RDDs
RecordDelimiter91Determines the current record delimiter for Delim RDDs
ErrorLogFile92Name of the error log file from the default RT error handler. Defaults to VOERROR.LOG
Dict98The codeblock set for the current error handler.
MemoBlockSize101Specifies how X# allocates disk space for the storage of memo fields. This is 64 for the FoxPro dialect and 32 for other dialects.
DefaultRdd102Determines the current Default RDD. This is DBFVFP for the FoxPro dialect and DBFNTX for the other dialects.
MemoExt103Determines the current default Memofile extension.
AutoOpen104Determines if production CDX files should be automatically opened. Defaults to TRUE
AutoOrder105Determines if the first index in the production CDX should be selected. Defaults to 0 for the FoxPro dialect and 1 for the other dialects.
HpLocking106Should High Performance NTX Locking be used for DBFNTX files.
NewIndexLock107Should the New Index Locking Scheme be used for DBFNTX files.
Optimize111Enables or disables Query Optimization.
FoxLock112Should the FoxPro locking scheme be used for DBFCDX and DBFVFP files.
RddInfoMax119Determines the maximum number of RDD related settings.
WinCodepage120Determines the current Windows CodePage number
DosCodepage121Determines the current DOS/OEM CodePage number
CollationMode122Determines the current Collation mode (Windows, Clipper, Ordinal, Unicode, XPP)
Asserts125Specifies whether to pad a shorter string with spaces when making a SQL string comparison or binary expression with zero (0) bytes when making a binary expression comparison in SQL commands using the equal sign operator (=).
AutoIncError126Specifies whether attempts to update or insert values in a field with automatically incrementing values generate errors.
CollateFox127Specifies a collation sequence for character fields in subsequent indexing and sorting operations. Defaults to MACHINE
Compatible128Controls compatibility with Microsoft FoxBASE+ and other FoxPro languages.
Database129Sets an open database as the current database or sets no current database.
DebugOut131Directs debugging output to a file.
Directory7Specifies the default drive and directory.
FullPath132FoxPro: Should CDX(),DBF() and similar functions return full paths
Lock133Enables or disables automatic file locking in certain commands.
MemoWidth134Specifies the displayed width of memo fields and character expressions.Default is 50
MultiLocks135Determines whether you can lock multiple records using LOCK( ) or RLOCK( ). Default is OFF
Near9Determines where the record pointer is positioned after FIND or SEEK unsuccessfully searches for a record.
Null167Determines how null values are supported by the ALTER TABLE, CREATE TABLE and INSERT - SQL commands.
Point50Determines the decimal point character used in the display of numeric and currency expressions.
Refresh136Determines whether to and how frequently to update local memory buffers with changes from other users on the network.
Reprocess137Specifies how many times and for how long Visual FoxPro attempts to lock a file or record after an unsuccessful locking attempt.
Safety138Determines whether Visual FoxPro displays a dialog box before overwriting an existing file.
Separator51Specifies the character that separates each group of three digits to the left of the decimal point when displaying a formatted numeric or currency value.
Space139FoxPro: Add Space between ? and ?? field expressions
SqlBuffering140Specifies if data in a SQL - SELECT statement is based on buffered data or data written to disk.
SqlAnsi141Specifies whether to pad a shorter string with spaces when making a SQL string comparison or binary expression with zero (0) bytes when making a binary expression comparison in SQL commands using the equal sign operator (=).
TextMerge142FoxPro: Is Textmerge enabled.
WithStack145Specifies how character data expressions are mapped to query result sets.
User200Start of User Defines Settings.
Global settings are stored in the RuntimeState and are thread specific. The numeric value of these sets indicate the key of the setting in the settings dictionary on the runtimestate.
See Also