Austin small
2 weeks from now we will have our 'X# Summit' in Austin Texas, on March 21 and March 22.
We still have some free spots on this conference, and we'd really like to meet you there.

With the kind help of QLAdmin in Austin we have organized an interesting event.
More information about the event can be found on our website:

If you are interested to come, please send us an email at
Unfortunately the "early bird" discounts for the hotel are over, but they have rooms left:

We hope to see you in Austin !

On behalf of the X# development team.

Robert van der Hulst

It's time for a short progress report. XSharp build has been received very well by most of you.There were a few small problems and most of these have been tackled and in most cases a new DLL was created and delivered.

If you look at our GitHub repo you will have noticed that the work on the DBFCDX is progressing also. At this moment index opening and index creation is working, as well as skipping and seeking. The files created are binary compatible with the same files creates in VO and Vulcan. Actually in some rare cases we found a problem in the VO and Vulcan implementation. In the coming days we will finish the work in the CDX driver by implementing updating , deleting and inserting keys in existing indices. When that is finished we will produce a new build.

In the compiler and macro compiler a few small changes were made, nothing big,

Of course we are also preparing for the X# summit in Austin. We hope to see many of you there. If you have not registered yet, it is not too late Please send us an email and we will take care of the late registration.


We are very proud that we can announce that we have just released XSharp Bandol 9 "Winter has come" to our FOX subscribers.
This new version has some new features and bug fixes. To name a few:

  • We have added support for XBase "dynamic memory variables" (PUBLIC, PRIVATE etc)
  • Some bug fixes in the compiler
  • Some bug fixes in the new macro compiler
  • Some bug fixes and new functions in the runtime
  • Some bug fixes in the VS Integration
  • We have rearranged the Project Properties dialog in the VS Integration. "Include path" and "Suppress standard header file" are no longer configuration dependent but there is one setting for all configurations.


{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/"}

Austin small

The X# Summit in Austin is getting closer and closer. We are preparing everything for a great event.
If you haven't registered yet, now is the time to do so. The special hotel room price will expire on Feb 15, but apart from that we'd like to know a.s.a.p. if you are coming so we can confirm and reserve everything with the hotel and others involved.

The session schedule will become available in a week or two from now.

Click here for more details about the event, the preliminary list of speakers and sessions and how to reserve.

We hope to meet you in Austin !

The Christmas build ( has been received very well, but unfortunately a few small issues in the compiler make this build difficult to use for some of our clients. The good news is that we are getting very positive reports about the level of compatibility of the runtime and the compatibility and speed of the macro compiler.
We will deliver a new version in the coming weeks that fixes the compiler problems and also has some bug fixes to the runtime and VS integration.

The biggest other change in that new build will be the support for dBase style "dynamic" variables, such as PUBLICs and PRIVATEs. We have added this to the language, even though we think that there are better ways to code, but we know that some of our (potential) customers are using it. We have also added support for the PARAMETERS keyword which is an alternative for the declared parameters and works just like the parameters in a clipper calling convention. But the compiler does not create local variables for these parameters but private variables.

X# Summit Memmingen 2020


In October 2020 we are organizing our first European conference in years.

Since we are a small open source project and we have limited financial resources, we have chosen to organize this as a relatively low budget event. We have also chosen a location in the south of  Germany, so developers from Switzerland, Austria and North Italy are also able to come with a reasonable travel time.

The main audience for this event is existing Visual Objects and Vulcan.NET developers. However we will also spend ample time on our Visual FoxPro support.

We will present the current state of the X# development and show how to migrate your apps from VO to .Net. We will also have time to explain some of the internals of the X# compiler and runtime and how you can use the new features in the product (generics, lambda expression, linq, scripting, multi threading etc) in your apps. We will also show you how you can port Visual FoxPro apps to X#,

With the help of our local partner Karl Faller we have selected a venue for the event.

This summit is structured to encourage open and facilitated face-to-face discussion and idea sharing amongst all attendees. Refreshments will be provided all day with scheduled lunch and snack breaks.


The event will take place at the following hotel:

   Hotel Weisses Ross       Hotel Weisses Ross
Kalchstr. 16
87700 Memmingen


We plan to have 2 days with 10 different sessions that will not be repeated. The detailed list of sessions will be published in May or June.

(Call for) Speakers

On behalf of the X# development team there will be 2 or 3 members giving sessions. We are also looking for other speakers. If you are interested in speaking, please send your session proposals to before April 1, 2020.  We expect you to prepare a whitepaper or presentation about your subject with practical examples. Sessions should be code centric.Speakers will get free admittance to the event.


To register for this event, please send an email to

We have the following registration fee for the event:

Description FOX
- Early bird (book before September 2020) 350 400
- Normal price (starts September1, 2020) 450 500
Registration for the "Virtual Event" 49 49
  • This includes the refreshments, lunch and dinner on the 16th and refreshments and lunch on the 17th.
  • We have negotiated a special discounted hotel room price of EUR 86 per person per night including breakfast. Local taxes may apply. You can book directly with the hotel and tell them that you are part of the X# Summit group.
  • Room are available from Thursday 15th until Sunday 18th.