We are proud to announce that a new prerelease version of the X# compiler is available for download for our FOX subscribers.
You can find the ZIP file with the new compiler in the prerelease downloads folder on this website.

With this build you can compile the Vulcan SDK without changes, except for some obvious errors in the Vulcan SDK that Vulcan did not find! One of our team members will write a blog article about these errors, since you may have similar problems in your code.

We consider the Vulcan Compatibility of the compiler nearly finished with the current state of the compiler. All Vulcan code should compile without problems now. Of course the real test is with compiling and running YOUR source code.

Please try this version of the compiler with as much of your code as possible and let us know which compile time and which runtime problems you find.

The next builds of the compiler will focus on bug fixing and adding some VO compatibility options such as UDCs, VO compatible DEFINES, VO compatible numeric conversions etc.

The next full build of the product (Beta 9) will contain this new compiler and improved Visual Studio support and is expected a few weeks from now.

For those interested, here is a summary of the changes in the compiler since Beta 8:

  • Added support for PCall and PCallNative
  • Full support for INIT procedures. We also added EXIT procedures.
  • Added compatibility command line options /ppo, .showincludes, /vo1, /vo6
  • Changed several method resolution strategies. Calls without object/self prefix will resolve to functions first and when no function is found then it will look for instance methods
  • Added support for DEFAULT TO, ACCEPT, WAIT and QUIT commands
  • Allow multiple indexed properties per type and allow to use the indexer name, such as the string:Chars collection
  • Code generation has been optimized for several language constructs
  • Debugger step information has been improved for a better debug "experience".

The full list of changes is included in the ZIP but also available as download in the General section on this website.

If you are not a FOX subscriber and want to test this new compiler with your code: sign up now.

On behalf of the whole devteam I would like to wish all our friends, customers and other people following our project all the best for 2017!

And I would also like to use the opportunity to share some news with you:

Last week we had our 2nd 'DevTeam Summit' in Athens. It was a little bit different this year compared with last year. First Fabrice could not attend because of health issues for a relative. And secondly it was cold, very cold. We had snow in Athens !

We worked a lot this week but also had some time for touristic attractions, as you can see in the image here.

One of the things we acomplished is that we finished the work on the Vulcan compatibility in the compiler. We were able to successfully compiler the complete Vulcan SDK including all kind of dirty tricks that are used in this SDK without code changes.

To be honest: we had to make a couple of changes, because our compiler found a few problems in the Vulcan SDK. If you ever wondered why drag and drop in the GUI classes is not working properly in Vulcan, then we have found the reason: there is code missing because of a typo in a define in the source code.

We also discussed our future plans for X# and you can expect updates on this website in the next couple of weeks.

As you can expect we will now pickup the work on the X# runtime, which will consist of a set of runtime functions, xBase datatypes RDDs, Macro compiler and more.

We expect to be able show you a lot of this at the XBase Future conference in Cologne end of April.

Will we see you there ?




Earlier this year, around the conference in Cologne, we have published a roadmap in which we told you about our plans and what we wanted to deliver in 2016. In this week before Christmas, with winter on our doorsteps it is time to look back and see what we have achieved.

As we all now, predicting the future is very difficult. Who whould have predicted that Donald Trump would be the next president in the US?

So we were wrong in our predictions about the progress of X# too.  But we are on the right track, and we are the only XBase dialect that is making great progress every month.

What we did achieve in the 15 months behind us is:

  • A fully functional core dialect compiler based on the Roslyn source, that can compile everything that you can find in C# 6 with an XBase language syntax.
  • Many new features have been added to the xBase language, such as LINQ, Anonymous types, support for Asynchronous operations, creating generics etc. You only have to look at the pearls section in our forums to see proof of that. Every niche corner in the LINQ area in our product is being tested at length by Phil, and it simply works. Other customers have used other new features and we have received a lot of positive response on the new features
  • The support for the VO and Vulcan specific datatypes and language constructs is also almost finished. Last week we have added some missing features, such as support for PCALL() to call native Win32 functions through a pointer in an external DLL. Not something that you use in your everyday development but it is used in some inhouse libraries as well as in the VO SDK. So we decided that add that to our language, to make the migration from VO and Vulcan as smooth as possible.
    "Normal" VO and Vulcan applications compile fine now with X#.  We have done that ourselves and we got some very positive feedback from our customers who have also successfully migrated apps.
  • We have working Visual Studio integration in both Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017. We are very proud that we were one of the original "sim ship partners" (the last one in the alphabetical list)that released their support for Visual Studio 2017 on day one.

We have uploaded a new version of the compiler for our FOX subscribers to the Prerelease area on this website. This version fixes several issues that have been reported by our customers.

New features:

VO and Vulcan compatibility:

  • All init procedures are now properly called at program startup. So not only init procedures in the SDK libraries, but also init procedures in 3rd party libraries and in your own code
  • When both a function (static method) and an instance method with the same name can be found, then the compiler will no longer choose the instance method, but will default to the static method, when called inside a class and no SELF: or SUPER: prefix is used.
  • The sizeof operator now returns a DWORD value
  • Added support for EXIT PROCEDURES (PROCEDURE MyProcedure EXIT). These procedures will automatically be called during program shutdown, just before all the global variables in the assembly are cleared.

All dialects

  • We have added support for preprocessor output (ppo) files
  • The code generation for IIF expressions has been improved
  • The code for ACCESS and ASSIGN methods is no longer stored as a separate method, but inlined in the generated Property Get and Property Set.

Bug fixes

This build contains many bug fixes and fixes many smaller and larger incompatibilities with the VO/Vulcan compiler. See the included readme for more information.