We are proud to announce that we have released XSharp Beta 8 to our FOX subscribers,
This version has many new features. The list below shows some of the highlights:

Visual Studio

  • Support for the new Visual Studio 2017
  • We have implemented “Linked Files” in a project. This is useful for example if you have files with common code that you want to include in different projects, like global attributes with company name, product name etc.
  • We have added the ability to “Show all files”.
  • If you add a file with a Form or User Control to your project we will now detect that, and set the subtype of the file. You should see the appropriate icon appear in the project tree
  • Improved Drag and drop in the project explorer
  • The ResX and Settings editor now generate source code. We have also enabled the combo box in these editors that allow you to choose between public and internal classes.

Compiler and Language changes

Some new language features in the Compiler:

  • Object Initializers
  • Collection Initializers
  • When constructing anonymous types, you no longer have to name the fields. If you reference fields or properties from other objects, then the names of these fields/properties will be used for the anonymous type as well

Many improvements in the VO/Vulcan compatibility

  • Default Parameters are now implemented just like in VO and Vulcan.
  • Init Procedures in the main app and the Vulcan SDK Libraries are now called by the main app. We are also initializing the Vulcan macro compiler (calling Init procedure in other libraries will follow shortly)
  • The compiler option Implicit Casts and Conversions (/vo7) has been implemented. You can now also use the @ sign to pass variables by Reference (but we prefer the REF syntax)
  • With these changes you can now successfully compile the standard sdi and mdi examples from VO/Vulcan with X#.

Today at Connect 2016 Microsoft Launched the new version of Visual Studio called Visual Studio 2017
There are many new features in this product. The first and also first visible difference is that the installation process has dramatically changed. You no longer have to download and install many giga bytes of information to run Visual Studio. In stead you now can select a workload and only the elements needed for this particular work will be installed.
Typical workloads are .Net desktop development, Universal Windows Platform development and many more.
Installation will run much smoother after that and the whole footprint of Visual Studio will be much smaller.

We at XSharp are ready for this new version, as we already have indicated in earlier news posts.
We are proud that we are one of the so-called "Sim Ship partners" for Visual Studio 2017, 3rd party vendors whose product is ready for VS 2017 from day 1.

We have created a new installer for our FOX subscribers which will integrate the X# product in Visual Studio 2015 and/or Visual Studio 2017. A public installer is expected around Christmas time.
The new installer will be available for download later this week. Please give us some time to test the latest Visual Studio build, to be sure nothing serious has changed.

To celebrate the release of Visual Studio 2017 we have a special introductionary price for new FOX subscribers: new FOX subscribers will get a 30% discount when they use the Coupon Code VS2017 during the order process.
Click here to subscribe to the the FOX program immediately and to qualify for the 30% discount.

This discount will be available until January 31st 2017.

You may have heard about it already, but Microsoft is working very hard to finish the next version of Visual Studio (VsNext or VS 15).

Last week they have released Preview 5. You can read more about this new VS version on https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/news/releasenotes/vs15-relnotes.

Of course we are working very hard to make sure that X# works with this new version of Visual Studio, and so far this works.

Our latest installer (Beta 7a) detects the installation of VS 15 and integrates into VS15 without problems !

See the picture below for the form designer in action


In a couple of weeks, on November 16 & 17 at Connect 2016 more information about this new VS version is expected. Stay tuned, we will keep you informed as well.


We have uploaded a new version of the compiler for our FOX subscribers to the Prerelease area on this website. This version fixes several issues that have been reported by our customers.

New features:

  • Anonymous type members no longer have to be named. If you select a property as an anonymous type member then the same property name will be used for the anonymous type as well.
  • Missing closing keywords (such as NEXT, ENDIF, ENDCASE and ENDDO) now produce better error message.
  • We have started work on VO/Vulcan style of skipping arguments in the middle of a list of arguments.
    VO/Vulcan style default parameters of xBase specific datatypes (such as SYMBOL or DATE literals) are not supported yet.
  • IIF Expressions are now also allowed as Expression statement. The generated code will be the same as if an IF statement was used