You have not heard from us in a while, but that does not mean that we have been idle.
We are finalizing the 2.12 build of X# at this moment that comes with several changes that people have asked for:


  • TEXT .. ENDTEXT support in all dialects. We have change how this command is implemented to make it as flexible as possible. The TEXT .. ENDTEXT is a UDC that is translated to a #text .. #endtext preprocessor directive. You will have the ability to change how this command works.
  • We have added a new compiler option (/vo17) to make the BEGIN SEQUENCE commands more compatible with Visual Objects. Commands with a RECOVER USING statement were "swallowing" exceptions in the past. With this option the exceptions will be sent to a special function (FUNCTION _SequenceError(e AS Exception) AS USUAL)) that you can override in your code. The default implementation of this function calls the runtime error handler.
    And when there is NO RECOVER USING then the compiler will generate one and will call a runtime function that you can also override (FUNCTION _SequenceRecover(uBreakValue AS USUAL) AS VOID).) Of course "real" exceptions will also call the _SequenceError that was mentioned above.
  • We fixed several issues in the compiler


  • We fixed several issues in the runtime

Visual Studio integration

  • Many issues were fixed in the editor.
  • We have added a new options page (Tools/Options/Text Editor/X#) where you can control which suggestions the editor will suggest in "general" code completion list. Code completion after a colon or dot will show namespaces, types, members etc. And codecompltion after AS or IS will show types and namespaces. But for example code completion after the := operator may show locals, fields & properties of the current class, Globals, Functions etc. You can control where the editor looks for these entries.
  • You can now control the indenting settings from the .editorconfig file.

The new version will be tested by a small group of beta testers this week. We plan to release it to the rest of the subscribers next week, and a new public version will most likely be released a week after that.

X# Summit Memmingen 2020


In October 2022 we are organizing our first European conference in years. We first tried to do this in 2020, but due to the international Covid crisis that event had to be cancelled.

Since we are a small open source project and we have limited financial resources, we have chosen to organize this as a relatively low budget event. We have also chosen a location in the south of  Germany, so developers from Switzerland, Austria and North Italy are also able to come with a reasonable travel time.

The main audience for this event is XSharp developers with  VO/Vulcan background. However we will also spend ample time on the other dialects.

We will present the current state of the X# development and show how to migrate your apps to XSharp. We will also discuss the internals of X# and how you can extend X#. Finally we will discuss our future plans, such as our support for next versions of .Net and will show some of the work in progress

With the help of our local partner Karl Faller we have selected a venue for the event.

This summit is structured to encourage open and facilitated face-to-face discussion and idea sharing amongst all attendees. Refreshments will be provided all day with scheduled lunch and snack breaks.


The event will take place at the following hotel:

   Hotel Weisses Ross       Hotel Weisses Ross
Kalchstr. 16
87700 Memmingen


We plan to have 2 days with 10 different sessions that will not be repeated. The detailed list of sessions will be published later.

(Call for) Speakers

On behalf of the X# development team there will be 2 or 3 members giving sessions. We also plan to do a session in which customers can demonstrate applications that were migrated to X# showing apps "before" and "after" the migration with a short description of how the conversion went. If you are willing to demonstrate your app, please contact us.
We are also looking for other speakers. If you are interested in speaking, please send your session proposals to before June 1, 2022.  We expect you to prepare a whitepaper or presentation about your subject with practical examples. Sessions should be code centric.
Speakers will get free admittance to the event.


To register for this event, please send an email to

We have the following registration fee for the event:

Description FOX
- Early bird (book before September 2022) 350* 400*
- Normal price (starts September1, 2022) 450* 500*
  • This includes the refreshments, lunch and dinner on the 6th and refreshments and lunch on the 7th.
  • We expect people to arrive on Wednesday October 5.
  • We have negotiated a special discounted hotel room price of EUR 90 per person per night including breakfast for a Single room. Double rooms are available at EUR 137 per night including breakfast. Local taxes may apply. You can book directly with the hotel and tell them that you are part of the X# Summit group.
  • Room are available from Wednesday 5th until Saturday 8th.
  • For those attendees that are staying until Saturday 8th, we plan to go out and have dinner together on Friday 7th in a restaurant in Memmingen.
  • Please note that all prices are excluding 21% VAT for EU residents. If you register as a Company and let us know your VAT number then we will not have to charge the VAT.


Today we have released an installer for our FOX subscrivers only for XSharp Cahors 2.11 which contains some fixes for problems reported with X# 2.10, and some new features.
As part of this release we have also activated some compiler warnings for "implicit numeric conversions" that may cause loss of data or overflow errors, such as conversions between FLOAT and INT.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/"}