Today we have released an installer for XSharp Cahors 2.9 which contains some fixes for problems reported with X# 2.8, and some new features, especially in the FoxPro compatibility area.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/"}

The public installer for version 2.9a is now also available:

{rsfiles path="installers/"}




Today we have released an installer for XSharp Cahors 2.9 which contains some fixes for problems reported with X# 2.8, and some new features, especially in the FoxPro compatibility area.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

{rsfiles path="general/Readme/whatsnew29.rtf"}

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/"}

 A public installer for version 2.9 will be published in the coming weeks.

To celebrate the release of X# 2.9 we have now a special offer for new subscribers:

If you use the discount code X#29 when buying a FOX subscription in our online shop you will get a 30% discount.
This discount code is valid until Nov 30, 2021.



We had promised to publish the link to the TV item that was broadcasted on October 2 and October 5 on Dutch Television.
In this TV item we have tried to explain why we think that Open Source software is important and helps people to secure their investment in software for the future.

We have recorded this item in cooperation with Oliver Gr├╝n, from Gr├╝n Software Group from Aachen, Germany and some of the employees of his company.


We have been asked to record a video for the Dutch TV program "Nederland Maakt Het" (The Netherlands Creates It).
The item will be broadcasted on Saturday October 2nd for the first time.
We will upload that video on this site about 1 week after the initial broadcast.

To give you an idea about the item here is a link to  the "teaser"


On Thursday September 30 we will have another online X# session. The topic for this session will be the X# preprocessor and how you can use User Defined Commands (UDC) to simplify your code.
For developers with a Clipper or Xbase++ background the preprocessor will probably have no secrets.
For other developers the preprocessor will be something that they have heard of but most likely have never really used.

The session will cover topics such as:

  • when to use UDCs
  • what is the difference between #command, #xcommand, #translate and #xtranslate
  • match markers and result markers
  • #include files
  • conditional compilation using #ifdef
  • predefined preprocessor macros

We will also show some examples from the X# header files and from the X# runtime source code.

The session will be presented by Robert and will start at 16:00 CEST.

The video of this session is in our youtube channel: