We got some requests about the things we are currently working on. With this message we would like to give you some more information.

Short Term

We are working very hard on X# 2.9. This version will most likely be released end of September. The focus of this build is: stabilizing the compiler and runtime and improving performance of the VS integration and preparing for the move to Visual Studio 2022, which will be a 64 bits version of VS and preparing our VS integration for the move to .Net Core, .Net 5 and .Net 6. These 3 versions of the .Net framework come with tools that work with a new project file format (what's called the SDK style projects).
As part of X# 2.9 we are also adding compiler support for the complete FoxPro language. Not all the runtime elements will be in place, but we will at least be able to compile all the FoxPro code. Some (unsupported) things will produce warnings.

Of course we are also fixing reported issues in the Runtime and Compiler.

Longer Term

Today we have released an installer for XSharp Cahors 2.8c which contains some fixes for problems reported with X# 2.8b that was released a few weeks ago.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

{rsfiles path="general/Readme/whatsnew28c.rtf"}

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/XSharpSetup28cFox.zip"}


Microsoft has released a preview for Visual Studio 2022this week.

This is a completely revised version of Visual Studio that is now 64 bits.

Unfortunately they have not released this 64 bits version earlier to 3rd party developers, so we have not had the chance to prepare our Visual Studio integration for the 64 bit world yet.

Our installer does detect VS 2022 but our VS integration does not work yet.


Today we have released an installer for XSharp Cahors 2.8b which contains some fixes for problems reported with X# 2.8a that was released a few weeks ago.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

{rsfiles path="general/Readme/whatsnew28b.rtf"}

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/XSharpSetup28bFox.zip"}