Click or drag to resize

ListView Class

Create a list view control. Important - Microsoft Note - Under visual styles GridLines are not always displayed correctly.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VO
Assembly:  VOGUIClasses (in VOGUIClasses.dll) Version: 2.22 GA
 CLASS ListView INHERIT TextControl
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The ListView type exposes the following members.

Public methodListView
Construct a list view.
Public propertyBackground
The brush used for painting the background of the control. For example, in a single line edit control, the background is the color behind the text in the edit control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyBackgroundColor
A Color object used to paint the background in the list view.
Public propertyCaption
The string representing the caption of the text control.
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public propertyCheckBoxes
A logical value determining whether check boxes are used in the list view.
Public propertyColumnCount
A numeric value representing the number of columns in the list view.
Public propertyColumnOrderArray
An array of ListViewColumn object symbolic names representing the order of the columns in the list view.
Public propertyContextMenu
A menu object representing the local pop-up menu for a control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyControlFont
The font used to draw the text in the control.
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public propertyControlID
A number between 1 and 8000 representing the unique ID of a control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCurrentText
A string representing the text currently displayed in a text control. For edit controls, including the edit box associated with simple and drop-down combo boxes, it contains the text currently appearing in the edit box. For fixed icon and group box controls, TextControl:CurrentText contains NULL_STRING.
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public propertyCurrentView
A symbolic name representing the current view of the list view.
Public propertyDragDropEnabled
A logical value that is TRUE if drag and drop is enabled for the list view. If drag and drop is enabled, items can be dragged within, as well as outside, the control.
Public propertyDragImageList
An image list containing a single image displayed during a drag and drop operation for the list view.
Public propertyFieldSpec
The field specification connected to the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFullRowSelect
A logical value determining whether the entire row is highlighted when a list view item is selected.
Public propertyGridLines
A logical value determining whether gridlines are shown in the list view.
Public propertyHeaderDragDrop
A logical value determining whether columns can be rearranged in the list view by dragging and dropping the column headers.
Public propertyHyperLabel
The hyperlabel connected to the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsGroupViewEnabled
A logical value to identify if ListView groups are enabled.
Public propertyItemCount
A numeric value representing the number of items in the list view.
Public propertyItemsPerPage
A numeric value representing the number of items that can fit vertically in the visible area of the list view.
Public propertyCode exampleLargeImageList
An image list containing large images to display for each item when the list view is displayed in icon view.
Public propertyLength
A numeric value representing the number of characters in the control.
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public propertyModified
A logical value that is set to TRUE when a standard edit control or editable combo box is in the process of being modified.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyName
A string representing the name of the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyNameSym
A symbol representing the name of the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyOrigin
A point representing the location of a control on its owner window, in canvas coordinates.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyOwner
The owner window of a control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyOwnerAlignment
Constant representing how the window will be aligned within its owner window.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyReadOnly
Is the control readonly ?
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySearchString
The incremental search string associated with the list view.
Public propertySelectedCount
A numeric value representing the number of items that are selected in the list view.
Public propertyServer
The server object that currently connected to this control. If no server is connected, the value is NIL.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySize
A dimension representing the size of a control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCode exampleSmallImageList
An image list containing small images to display for each item when the list view is displayed in list view, report view, or small icon view. The icons in this list must be defined elsewhere in
Public propertyStateImageList
An image list containing state images to display for each item in the list view.
Public propertyStatus
A hyperlabel indicating the status of the control after a validation attempt or other action.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTextBackgroundColor
A Color object used to paint the text background in the list view.
Public propertyTextColor
A Color object used to paint the text in the list view.
(Overrides TextColor.)
Public propertyTextValue
A string representing the value held in the control.
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public propertyToolTipText
String value representing the tooltip text used when the user moves the mouse pointer over the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTopItem
A numeric value representing the index of the topmost visible item when the list view is in list view or report view.
Public propertyUseHLForToolTip
Logical value determining whether the descriptive text of a control's Hyperlabel should be used as the tooltip text.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCode exampleValue
The value held in the control, in whatever data type the control holds.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyValueChanged
A logical value representing whether the control's Value has been changed from its prior setting.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyViewBoundingBox
The bounding box that encloses all of a list view's items when in icon view or small icon view.
Public propertyViewOrigin
The Point object representing the current view origin of a list view when in icon view or small icon view.
Public methodActivate
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a window is activated.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodCode exampleAddColumn
Add a new ListViewColumn object to the end of the list view's list of columns.
Public methodAddGroup
Set an image as the background to the list view.
Public methodCode exampleAddItem
Add a new ListViewItem object as the last item in the list view.
Public methodArrange
Align list view items while in icon view.
Public methodAsString
Return the contents of the control (or its identifying label).
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodCreate
Creates the underlying Win32 control
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public methodDeactivate
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a window is deactivated.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodDEFAULT
Call the default windows procedure for a control and set the EventReturnValue.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodDeleteAll
Delete all items of the list view.
Public methodDeleteAllColumns
Delete all columns from a list view.
Public methodDeleteColumn
Delete a ListViewColumn object from the list view.
Public methodDeleteItem
Delete a ListViewItem object from the list view.
Public methodDestroy
Provide a method to de-instantiate any TextControl.Destroy object.
(Overrides Destroy.)
Public methodDisable
Disable a control (until a subsequent call to Control:Enable()).
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodDisableTheme
Disable the WinXP theme for a control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodDispatch
Provide the prototype dispatcher for events within the system when the control has focus; routing various events to their appropriate event handlers.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodEditItemLabel
Begins in-place label editing of an item in the list view.
Public methodEnable
Enable a control that was previously disabled.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodEnableDragDrop
Enable or disable drag and drop of items for the list view.
Public methodEnableGroupView
Set Group View on or off in a ListView control.
Public methodEnableSort
Register a user-defined method to use for sorting items in the list view.
Public methodEnsureVisible
Ensure that an item is visible in the list view, scrolling if necessary.
Public methodExpose
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and whenever part of the window needs repainting.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodFocusChange
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and the input focus changes from the current control to another (or vice versa).

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodFont
Change the current font of the text control.
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public methodGetAllItems
Get an array with all the Listview Items
Public methodGetAllSelectedItems
Get an array with all the selected Listview Items
Public methodGetColumn
Return a particular ListViewColumn object.
Public methodGetExStyle
Retrieve the Ex styles for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetGroupTextColor
Get the text color used for the headings when displaying a ListView control by group.
Public methodGetItemAtPosition
Return a ListViewItem object at a particular position, if one exists.
Public methodCode exampleGetItemAttributes
Return a ListViewItem object given its item index.
Public methodGetItemBoundingBox
Return the bounding box of a ListViewItem object given its item index.
Public methodGetItemPosition
Return the origin of a ListViewItem object given its item index.
Public methodGetItemSpacing
Return the spacing between list view items in icon view or small icon view.
Public methodCode exampleGetNextItem
Retrieve the next list view item that possesses all of the specified properties.
Public methodGetSelectedItem
Retrieve the currently selected ListViewItem object.
Public methodGetStyle
Retrieve the styles for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHandle
Return the handle for a control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasBorder
Check if a border has been set for the control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasGroup
A logical value to determine if the group with the specified ID exists in a ListView control.
Public methodHasStyle
Check if a style value has been set for the control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHide
Hide a control so it is not visible (until a subsequent call to Control:Show()).
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHorizontalScroll
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a horizontal scroll bar is scrolled.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodIme
Return and optionally set whether Input Method Editor is enabled for this text control.
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public methodInsertColumn
Insert a new ListViewColumn object after a particular column index in the list view.
Public methodInsertItem
Insert a new ListViewItem object after a particular item index in the list view.
Public methodIsEnabled
Report if this control is currently enabled.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodIsExStyle
Check if a exstyle value has been set for the control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodIsReadOnly
Report if this control is currently readonly.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodIsStyle
Check if a style value has been set for the control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodIsVisible
Report if this control is visible (completely or partially) or hidden.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodKeyDown
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a key on the keyboard is pressed.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodKeyUp
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a key on the keyboard is released.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodLinkDF
Connect a control to a data field in a data server.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMenuInit
Provide a method that is invoked when a pop-up menu owned by the control is about to pop up.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMenuSelect
Provide a method that is invoked when an item on a menu owned by the control is highlighted.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMouseButtonDoubleClick
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus, the mouse pointer is positioned over the window, and a mouse button is double-clicked.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMouseButtonDown
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus, the mouse pointer is positioned over the window, and a mouse button is clicked.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMouseButtonUp
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus, the mouse pointer is positioned over the window, and a mouse button is released.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMouseDrag
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a mouse with one or more buttons clicked is moved in the window.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMouseMove
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and the mouse is moved in the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMove
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and the control is moved (either by the user or by the application).
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodOverRide
This is a compatibility method that is no longer used or needed.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodPerformValidations
Perform all the validations defined to this control's field specification (for example, required, maximum and minimum digits, maximum and minimum value, validation rule) and return the result of the test.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodRedrawRange
Redraw a range of list view items.
Public methodRegisterTimer
Register a timer method to be invoked for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodRemoveAllGroups
Remove all groups from a ListView control.
Public methodRemoveEditBalloonTip
Removes the current BallonTip from the Edit control that has inherited from this class.
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public methodRemoveGroup
Remove the group with the specified ID from a ListView control.
Public methodRePaint
Send an ExposeEvent to repaint the control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodResize
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and the control changes size.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodRestoreUpdate
Resume all drawing updates for a control (after Control:SuspendUpdate() is called).
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodScroll
Scroll the contents of a list view.
Public methodSeek
Search the list view for a particular list view item.
Public methodSelectItem
Select or deselect a specific item in a list view.
Public methodSelectNextItem
Select the next list view item after the currently selected item.
Public methodSetBackgroundImage
Set an image as the background to the list view.
Public methodSetColumnFormat
Set the desired extended style for a list view.
Public methodSetCueBanner
Add a cue banner to the Edit control that has inherited from this class.
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public methodSetExStyle
Set the exstyle for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetFocus
Pass input focus to a control, thereby directing all mouse and keyboard input to the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetGroupName
Set the name of a list view group.
Public methodSetGroupTextColor
Set the text color to be used for the headings when displaying a ListView control by group.
Public methodCode exampleSetItemAttributes
Update a ListViewItem object with new attributes.
Public methodSetItemGroupId
A logical value to determine if the group with the specified ID exists in a ListView control.
Public methodSetItemPosition
Move a list view item to a new position in icon view or small icon view.
Public methodSetParent
Change the parent handle for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetSelectedColumn
Show column as selected.
Public methodSetStyle
Set the style for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodShow
Display a control so it is visible.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodShowEditBalloonTip
Add a BallonTip to the Edit control that has inherited from this class.
(Inherited from TextControl.)
Public methodSortItems
Sort the list view items using the user-defined sort method specified by EnableSort().
Public methodSuspendUpdate
Temporarily suspend all drawing updates for a control; drawing resumes with a call to Control:RestoreUpdate().
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodTimer
Provide a method to be invoked at specific intervals defined when the timer is registered though the RegisterTimer() method.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodUpdate
Update a list view item.
Public methodValidateControl
This method validates if the control has been created and when not then it triggers the control creation
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodVerticalScroll
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a vertical scroll bar is scrolled.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodViewAs
Change the current view of the list view.
Public fieldEventReturnValue (Inherited from Control.)
Public fieldoCargo
Cargo slot.
(Inherited from VObject.)
A list view is a control that displays a collection of list view items, each item consisting of images and a text label. List views provide several ways of arranging items and displaying individual items.
See Also
